Diy flashcards by little hero

Yesterday ,he took papers which were not completely used ,cut it using scissors appropriately.On those papers,he sticked the pictures from magazine.It was a new initiative of his own .He has further plan to make it as fact card by writing on the backside of paper.

Thought for the day

Everyday morning,when my son wakes up,I spend few minutes cuddling and talking with him.Our day starts only after that only.I am doing this since his birth and has become part of our routine.

From today onwards,we started to share a thought for the day every morning.Good and positive thoughts would certainly boost our day with lots of encouragement ,positivity and inspiration.

It was my son’s idea to pen it down in a notebook as we can read it whenever we want.

I shared many things with him based on this thought for the day.We will continue doing as my little hero loved it.


Little hero did tabla using coconut shell and left over homemade playdough.Recently he has developed a new interest to utilise things to best that is available at home.

#bestoutofwaste #tabla

My attempt to colour

My first attempt in colouring.All the credit goes to my dear friend and well wisher Amruta Ramasubramanian .I don’t remember showing interest in colouring since my childhood days.I never felt doing it.

Recently she had posted 5 day challenge in her group ,rather i would proudly say our group since its my favourite group.

I decided to give it a try and i m happy with my outcome .A sense of self satisfaction with my first attempt to do mandala colouring.Hope to do much better whenever time permits.

#colouring #firsttry

Hindi Alphabet Slider

This is purely inspired from my friend Bushra Gafoor ,she had recently shared the alphabet slider.We tried the same technique to learn Hindi.My special thanks to my friend Bushra Gafoor.

We are learning to recognise the hindi letters through this alphabet slider.I found the free template of rabbit from child care land and gave it to my little hero to cut it using scissor.

It was fun learning together ,we loved it.

Source of rabbittemplate:childcareland
