Walking water experiment

My son loves to do experiment.He said he wants to do experiment of his own.I suggested him walking water experiment .Thanks to my dear friend Bushra Gafoor,because of her post,this popular experiment came to my mind.

You just need six glasses out of which three glasses should be empty ,tissue paper and food colour.He filled three glasses with water and added food colour to it .

This activity turned out to be comeback for us and we will resume doing our activities.


Window garden

It’s long time, I didnot share anything but today couldn’t stop posting as this was captured by my little hero.Ten days back, he sowed Methi seeds, everything was done by him from scratch and today he was excited to see the beauty of methi and he captured as he loves gardening and photography.

We don’t have open space to grow plants but we are growing whatever possible to grow in our window.

#windowgarden #gardening