Water absorption

Today my little hero was curious to know which material would absorb water quickly while he mob the floor.Usually,I don’t prefer to give him straight answers to his questions,I let him to think and find of his own.

I asked him to chose things whichever he want to try.Before exploring,he came with his views that sponge will absorb water quickly and reason for it.Similarly for cotton and other things.

Then he experimented it by pouring water on sponge, newspaper,cloth,cotton,plain paper,tissue paper.

#science #waterabsorption #childled #experiment

Learning about Dinosaurs

We got this Dinosaurs figurine in D mart at very good deal and pretty good in size .Little hero was using it for his pretend play.

We decided to learn about Dinosaurs together by knowing their names and facts about Dinosaurs.

#dinosaurs #facts #february2018

Source of fact cards printable : pinayhomeschooler

Baking Soda + Vinegar = Fun for kids

Today little hero had lots of fun with Baking Soda , Vinegar ,he added food colour to make it colourful.

He has done it several times which I don’t have any count as he likes it a lot.He wished to do it today as he saw Vinegar at home.

#science #experiment #february2018