Paper bag puppets

Today my little hero asked me whether i could some paper bag puppets for him as he wanted to narrate story using it at home.

Me : I don’t know how to do paper bag puppet

DS : You can do it amma

Me : I am not crafty and I have never tried it.

DS : You can try it now.

Me:Hmm.I will try tomorrow

DS: Amma,Whatever you want to do tomorrow,do it today;
Whatever you want to do today ,do it now;its told by you only amma.

DS: Don’t think too much,You can do it.

These paper bags were treasured as it was gifted by lovely soul Garima Tiwari and it’s very special to me.Thank you so much dear Garima ☺

I have used template which was preserved from long time for these puppets and I cut it in such a way as it would fit appropriately to these paper bags as I was clueless how to do.Hope its a good start and would certainly learn to do in better way.

Today ,my little hero motivated me to do it and made it possible.He was super happy and loved narrating three little pigs story and was using it for his pretend play.

#paperbagpuppets #storytelling

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