Homemade finger paint

When my son was toddler,I came across Homemade finger paint while browsing cooking channel (If i m not wrong,I think it’s simple cooking channel) and it turned out to be super easy and I have sticked to it till date as it works for us very well.

But today,my little hero prepared Homemade finger paint all by himself as he has seen me doing it all these years.

Mix 1/2 cup of corn flour and 3 to 4 tbsp of sugar very well in a bowl.Add cold water little by little to get the paint consistency . Then pour it to different bowl as needed and add food colour of your choice.

#fingerpaint #homemade #diy #art

Fevicol art

After preparing Homemade slime,we had fevicol and decided it to convert it to art.Google baba helped us instantly with this idea.

Take fevicol or any glue in any plate or bowl ,put drops of food colouring of different colours around the edges of fevicol.Take tooth pick and swirl it as you wish.

Tada ,Fevicol art is ready.My little hero loved doing it .Don’t swirl too much as it will lead to complete brown colour ,just gentle swirl is more than enough.


Homemade slime by little hero

Inspired by his cousin,he wanted to do Slime today.No measurements are taken as I left to make attempt of his own.

We used four ingredients such as fevicol,water colour tubes,water,surfexcel powder and curry leaf stick to stir it.

It was good try and turned out to be soft and stretchy.The most important is self satisfaction of little hero as he was super happy to do of his own.

#diy #slime #homemadeslime

Our Country

Little hero learnt few states and their capital when we travelled to those places.Recently he started to show interest to know about other states of India,languages .

The mapology with capitals from Imagimake turned out to be very useful for his learning.Long way to go but just gave a start as he is interested to learn.

#india #capitals #statesofindia

Paper bag puppets

Today my little hero asked me whether i could some paper bag puppets for him as he wanted to narrate story using it at home.

Me : I don’t know how to do paper bag puppet

DS : You can do it amma

Me : I am not crafty and I have never tried it.

DS : You can try it now.

Me:Hmm.I will try tomorrow

DS: Amma,Whatever you want to do tomorrow,do it today;
Whatever you want to do today ,do it now;its told by you only amma.

DS: Don’t think too much,You can do it.

These paper bags were treasured as it was gifted by lovely soul Garima Tiwari and it’s very special to me.Thank you so much dear Garima ☺

I have used template which was preserved from long time for these puppets and I cut it in such a way as it would fit appropriately to these paper bags as I was clueless how to do.Hope its a good start and would certainly learn to do in better way.

Today ,my little hero motivated me to do it and made it possible.He was super happy and loved narrating three little pigs story and was using it for his pretend play.

#paperbagpuppets #storytelling

Simple addition

To understand the concept of addition,we did simple activity using paper plates and other materials that were available at home such as pom poms ,marbles,shells ,counters and bottle caps.

#maths #addition