Diy hair mask 

I had very long ,thick hair and it was maintained till mom was alive.Later,I couldn’t maintain ,so I used a short cut method to cut my hair ,after marriage,I totally ignored to care about my hair.
But this year 2018,I decided to take care of myself and was sharing with my son.After mom,I used to share with my brother and now I have a very good friend at my home,its my little hero .
I was again saying excuse to myself instead of working towards the goal.Only because of  my son ,I really feel motivated to work towards my goal.Most of the time,I feel my amma has taken rebirth as my son.
I m not boasting about him ,it’s my feelings and I become very emotional when someone cares for me and when it’s my child ,I feel very blessed the way he cares for me and motivates me to do.It reminds me of my mom in him.
Finally my first step towards  self care,we did diy hair mask with just two ingredients.Its just two ingredients but it’s very special to me as it was done by my child as he wanted to do everything from scratch.
I m not expert and this is the first attempt as I have not tried anything so far.
What we used
One egg 
Curd – one tbsp

Just need to mix egg yolk with curd very well and apply to your hair.Leave it for 20 to 25 minutes.Then wash with water.I used shampoo after washing as I didn’t like smell of the egg.
Happy to find my hair shining after this application and planning to try every 15 days for better results.
#diy #hairmask #selfcare #personalgoal2018 #shinyhair

Konmari method – folding clothes 

My first step towards my family goals and finally intiated konmari method of folding clothes and organising at home.
A big thank you to my dear Amrutha for creating awareness and spreading knowledge about konmari method.
I followed Marie kondo’s YouTube videos and mumma dairies video.For those who would like to know what is konmari ,here is the information from wikipedia
(source : wikipedia)Kondo’s method of organizing is known as the KonMari method, and consists of gathering together all of one’s belongings, one category at a time, and then keeping only those things that “spark joy” (tokimeku, the word in Japanese, means “flutter, throb, palpitate”), and choosing a place for everything from then on.
I have just used storage boxes that was available at home and first cry ,Amazon card board boxes.
I m feeling motivated ,its just a beginning and long way to go and happy to take baby step towards my goal.
#konmari #foldingclothes #organising #tidyspace #familygoal2018

Importance of brushing the teeth

Three days back,my son questioned me what will happen to my teeth if I don’t brush for one day,two days and three days.To visualise and make him understand in better way,we did an experiment with egg.
First I started by talking to him about good  hygiene practices and how important it is to brush  teeth every day without fail.I also made him to understand how certain foods we eat and drinks stains our teeth.
He asked why egg is assumed as teeth and why not other things , I asked him touch his teeth and to tell me how he felt,with his answer I told him our teeth is similar to egg  ,it is hard outer but very soft inside and shared an incident happened with me which cleared his query very well.
I asked him to put egg in glass and pour Coco cola and kept it aside for three days,each day,he was asked to observe the changes,on the fourth day,that is today,I asked him to take a brush and tooth paste.
I asked him what changes he observed in these days and asked him to brush the egg using tooth paste and tooth brush.The stains in the egg were removed by just few swipes within few seconds.

This helped the child to understand what would happen to the teeth if we don’t brush or don’t brush properly and importance of brushing.


#brushingteeth #science #experiment #goodhabits #january2018 #funlearning