Science with apple

My little hero noticed the colour of the apple changed after sometime and colour of the potato changes too.I didn’t want to go in detail about oxidation process at this time,so we did most popular experiment with apple which most of you would have done it  to enhance his observation .
1.I asked him to cut apple to half ,for the one half ,he was directed to apply lemon juice and other half to be set aside as it is.
2.I asked him to take four glasses and fill them with Coco cola , water,vinegar and lemon juice respectively .Then put slices of apple in each glass.
Questions asked to the child
1.What was the reaction of the apple when applied lemon juice to one half and other half of apple which was just exposed to air without applying anything?
2.What will happen to apple slices in each glass?
3.Which liquid will help apple to remain fresh?
4.In which liquid,apple will change the colour fast?
5.In which liquid ,do you think colour change will happen slowly?
6.How the apple would taste after applying lemon juice ?
7.How would the apple taste after it changes colour 
This is very simple but very interesting for kids as it will enhance their observation.My little hero has decided to observe it for 24 hours ,he is continuosly checking the reaction of apple every few hours .

#observation #science #experiment #apple

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