Water filtration

My son wanted to know how water gets filtered .I filled corporation drinking water and showed him how water gets filtered in pureit water filter .
Since he wanted to do of his own,we did simple process to understand in better way.This striked my mind suddenly but would do in better way in future or as and when time permits.
Things used :
Transparent jars – 2nos

Tissue paper


I asked my son to fill one jar with little soil and add clean water to it.The water became dirty.Then in another,we used funnel and placed tissue paper inside the funnel.I asked him to pour  dirty water through funnel.
The result was much clear water (eventhough it’s still not clean like pure water) and the mud was absorbed in the tissue paper.Similarly did the same thing using corporation drinking water and strainer.
#waterfilterationprocess #concept #science #experiment

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