Garlic milk

My little hero has great interest towards cooking and he is always involved in cooking by providing age appropriate chores.Today,we prepared vegetable dosa and garlic milk ( strictly under my supervision ).

Kitchen is one of the best place where you can find skills required for the overall development of the child.
Nowdays,he shows lots of interest to learn different types of cuisines and I m just taking it forward.
Our Garlic milk turned out to be very tasty and it’s very simple process to do.
My son crushed 8 to 10 cloves of garlic using mortar and pestle.We already had boiled milk ,He added the crushed garlic to the milk and I stirred the milk continuosly without getting burnt.He stirred in between under my guidance.
Add pinch of turmeric and pepper powder at end and allow it to boil.Adding sugar is optional.Serve it hot or cold.Garlic has many natural benefit.It was different but tasty milk.

#garlicmilk #homemade #loveforcooking 

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