Cotton Snow man

You just need chart paper,cotton,colour papers,googly eyes(optional).I just provided all the material to my son.He had to glue it accordingly on the chart paper.Here is our cotton snowman for Christmas.
#artandcraft #art #christmas2017

Vegetable stamping

Yesterday , little hero was helping me to chop ladies finger and suddenly he asked ,if he could take small piece of ladies finger.

This was the outcome ,he has used ladies finger , little paint and stamped it on paper.
You can use any vegetables and make any design of your choice.Alternatively,you can use stamp pad instead of paint.
#art #diyvegstamp 

Sambhaji park ,Pune.

It is one of the most spacious park in Pune and located at J.M.Road.After visiting the exhibition,we went to this park to spend our evening.We have visited this park several times as it is very spacious ,mainly as my son is nature lover,this is the park where you can find different varieties of trees and very beautiful atmosphere which kids will love it for sure.
This park is named after Chhatrapti Sambhaji Maharaj, son of Shivaji Maharaj, and it was constructed by the Pune Municipal Corporation in 1951. Entry to the park is absolutely free.
There is an aquarium inside the park where you can find amazing collection of fishes,we spent lot of time inside the aquarium as my son likes it very much.The entry fee for adults is 2rs and 1 Rupee for child and it is closed in Wednesday.
There is play area for kids which is neatly maintained .Overall ,we had beautiful evening and enjoyed our time.
#placestovisitinpune #sambhajipark #fieldtrip #december2017

Exhibition at Bal gandharva kaladalan ,Pune

Today we visited the exhibition at Bal gandharva  kaladalan.My little hero was amazed to see the collections.He was observing each and everything .He has hand pump miniature and he was happy when he located similar hand pump miniature in their collections.It was a new experience to my son.
You can see all the collections of Mr .Vilas Karandikar and today this place was crowded with several children and adults.
My special thanks to Surekha Jadhav ,only thorough her ,I gained the information about this exhibition.
This exhibition is from 10th December to 12 the December and entry is absolutely free.It is located in JM Road and very close to popular Sambhaji park.
#fieldtrip #placestovisitinpune #december2017

Instant edible paint and art

After having lots of fun with corn flour ,we had few mixture left in the bowl,so we converted it to instant edible paint by just adding one ingredient food colour to it.
Our Instant edible paint using cornflour ingredients :
Corn flour
Drop of food colour

Water as needed to get consistency 

Mix everything very well until you get paint consistency.Ask your child to paint using it.It will be messy but lots of fun.
As ,I told earlier ,it’s very easy to clean ,your little ones will enjoy it for sure.
This is the only  pic ,I managed to take as my hands were full of paint too as mom & son were having nice time together.
#diy #ediblepaint #art #christmas2017 #december2017 #sensory

Magic with cornflour

Cornflour = Simple + lots of fun + messy + science.My son experienced while he laid his hands on cornflour.
You just need cornflour and water.Take a bowl ,add corn flour ,mix it water.Add water little by little to get a consistency ( that’s secret of it).
I asked my son to feel the texture of cornflour and told him to mix with his hand so that he could feel it.It becomes hard and it’s not like other flours.
After few minutes,I asked him to take the mixture in his hand .He found it hard as it’s not that easy to remove and then asked him to knead in his hand continuously.The moment ,he stopped kneading ,the mixture turned from solid to liquid.It will change the moment you stop kneading ,in fraction of seconds ,it will lose its shape and turn to liquid.
Thats the beauty of it.Cornflour has the property of both solid and liquid.He was surprised as he tried it for first time and was playing with it continuosly.He enjoyed it very much.
Don’t worry about the mess,it’s very easy to clean and there will be no stains,hands can be washed easily with plain water too.I had great time playing with my son and we spent long hours.
#cornflour #science #funtime #messyplay #sensory #december2017

Christmas paper plate baubles

Christmas paper plates baubles

This idea credit goes to artsycrafty .I had saved it quite sometime back and today my son gave a try.
Things we used
Paper plate
Colour paper 


Pipe cleaner.

I asked the child to cut the colour paper with scissor and tear few papers using hand as they are good for finger strength. Make a hole and insert pipe cleaner so that we can hang it.
Rest all colour papers was glued to the paper.Our Christmas baubles was ready in few minutes.
Idea courtesy : artsycrafty
#christmas2017 #decoration #december2017

Bugs and tong – the rescuer

This title was give by little hero for his play.He has arranged it of his own.He has used green coloured rice,flowers,bugs figurines,tong.He created a story for his play too.Let me share it in brief as it was lengthy one.
A beautiful garden with full of greenery and there lived colourful flowers who were always very happy and smiling.One day,few bugs enters the garden and disturbs all the flowers.Flowers feels upset.Then they call for help.Here comes our rescuer tong who removes the bugs one by one to other place safely and tells bugs that it’s not a good habit to trouble others.You can come to the garden but not to hurt anybody.Bugs realise their mistake and they say sorry to the Tong ,rescuer and flowers.Flowers says thank you to the Tong for  helping them.Bugs and flowers became good friends.All of them lived happily.
#sensoryplay #finemotor #storytelling #openended #december2017

Diy Coloured Rice

We do this regularly but today my little hero gave try of his own .He made it in five colours for his play.
You just need rice,food colour and vinegar.Mix it very well and dry it under sun for few hours and you can store it Ziplock bag.
We can use it in several ways.
#diy #colouredrice #sensoryplay