Homemade pesticide

Our homemade pesticide

As my little hero loves gardening ,eventhough we have limited space,we have few plants in our balcony.He shows great interest in taking care of plants.
Today,we decided to do homemade pesticide with just two ingredients neem leaves and garlic.This suggestion was given by my brother along detailed instructions to little hero.
Each and everything is done by the child except boiling and cooling neem leaves in water.
Steps we followed
1.He removed the neem leaves from stem and crushed garlic using mortar and pestle #finemotor
2.Mixed neemleaves and crushed garlic in vessel #sensory 
3.Filled water so that it covers neemleaves using jug #finemotor
4.Boiled the neem leaves and garlic for 15 minutes ( done by me ) and cooled it.
5.Once it got cooled,he squeezed neemleaves #finemotor and filtered it using tea strainer.
6.Then using funnel,he filled it in spray bottle #finemotor
7.He sprayed it on leaves of the plant #finemotor #practicallife
We learnt while doing about pesticides,why do plants need, importance of home made and cons of pesticide bought from the shops and many more #language
#diy #homemade #pesticide #practicallife

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