Frog Riddle

My son was very excited when I told him ,we will start doing activities at home like earlier.He was very curious to know about it..I had not planned anything but suddenly a riddle flashed my mind.

Here is the riddle
I catch flies but I m not a spider ;
I ‘m green but I m not a leaf;

I have a long tongue but I m not giraffe;

I m amphibian but I m not salamander;

I like to hop around and I croak;

 What am I ?

He guessed it right when I said I croak.Well ,we are going to learn about Frog this week.
#frog #riddle #day1

​Balance beam

This is very interesting game for kids where they need to balance tiny sticks on elephant.It is not easy as it looks.
This game requires needs lots of patience,develops concentration ,hand eye coordination.
I introduced him initially with few sticks and then gradually gave more sticks.
Other than balancing ,my son uses during his open ended play ,story telling ,tracing ,sorting sticks colour wise,counting the sticks,odd one out , before and after ,pattern sequence and many more.
Few months back,I had purchased it from Amazon for around 200 rs to 250 rs .

#balancebeam #balancingskills #handeyecoordination #concentration #openendedplay

Action Reaction game

Little hero intiated by asking questions relating ,what would be the reaction for particular act..It extended as question and answer series..

Spontaneous questions and answers were very interesting.Then he took action Reaction puzzle from creatine’s brand and solved it.

#action #reaction #language

Water beads

Yesterday during power cut at night,my son opened the packet of water beads and soaked it in water.We always have few stock of water beads and this time we brought giant water beads .My son love playing with them especially during power cut in the night as it glows in the dark.He explores in different ways .

Water beads ,when soaked in water ,absorbs water and grows in bigger size.Water beads offers  an unique sensory experience to the children.

#waterbeads #powercut #sensory

Stages of plant life

One of the best method to understand the stages of plant life /lifecycle of plant,things needed for the plants to grow are by giving hands on experience to the child.

Each and every work from scratch is done by my son and he didnot require any explanation as the practical approach made him to understand it in better way than anything else.

It need lots of patience,time but concept would be very clear in little one’s mind and sense of responsibility develops in the child.

#stagesofplant #lifecycle #plantlifecycle #plants #science

Play dough ganesha

Whenever we do play dough at home,my son immediately does Ganesha using it.Then comes other things using dough.Very fond of doing Ganesha.

Here is our little hero’s homemade play dough Ganesha.

Skip Counting

Today,we started to learn count by 10’s and 5’s.

1 .Game: I used to play game with my friends by tapping each one of our hand by saying 10,20,till 100.It would be lot of fun.The same game ,we played together for 10’s and 5’s.

2.Lacing the plates:

My son painted the paper plate and punched it using punching machine.Then he laced it in order of 10’s and 5’s.

3.Popsicle sticks.

I wrote numbers in popsicle sticks,he arranged it in order of 10’s and 5’s.

4.Piggy bank.

We inserted counters in 10’s and 5’s in his piggy bank.

#skipcounting #countin10’sand5’s #maths #finemotorskills #handeyecoordination #5years #learningthroughplay