Our evening

Most of time,little hero spend playing outdoors but today he decided to play some games at home and arranged everything of his own.
1.Sequence : He arranged sequence of getting ready to school,taking ice cream from refrigerator,growing plants .#sequence

2.Penguin trap : This is one of his favourite game which aids in #fine motor and #handeye coordination.

3.Pyramid ball puzzle : Another interesting game which aids in #balancing skill and can be used in multiple ways for playing.

4.Hindi knobbed puzzle : He has started to show interest in learning Hindi and so he took it to learn #language 

5.Jigsaw tower from skola

6.Fix it with 2 pieces: This is a product from little genius ,with 2 pieces ,the child had to fix accordingly in all shapes.It is quite challenging but a good one.I don’t remember the name of the product as it was very long back but brand is little genius.


Water and egg experiment

My little hero loves and curious when it comes to experiment.He explores of his own and figures out the outcome.At present,he is doing serious research work regarding the process of oil making in his own way😉😉😉
Today he took three glasses and three eggs..He was analysing what would happen to the egg in plain water,egg in salt water.In third glass,he filled half glass of water with lots of salt .Almost all salt got over in the kitchen.Then added egg to the glass and filled the remaining glass with plain water.
Output of experiment according to little hero: 
In plain water,egg sinked,egg floated in salt water,in third glass ,egg was neither at top or bottom ☺☺☺

​Our first Killa for Diwali 2017

My little hero wished and showed interest in Killa this year.Killa are replica of forts done during Diwali in Maharashtra.
As I always follow my child interest,we are here to share first killa done by my little hero with lots of patience.Loved the new experience and we talked about Shivaji maharaj,great marata warrior.
#diwali2017 #killa #mudfort

​CD diya stand

This is one of the memorable experience.Actually it was started with some other idea but ended up with beautiful CD diya stand.
Initially,I asked him to dip earbud in honey and do some random design on CD ,sprinkle Rava and do painting on CD.
Till Rava,he followed my suggestion and suddenly he changed it according to his plan .He sticked roses and stones and made it as beautiful diya stand.I personally liked it very much.
#cd #diyastand #diwali2017 #bestoutofwaste #art #craft

​Bangles diya stand

Using my old bangles and fevicol,Bangles diya stand is done by my little hero.It is very simple,need to apply fevicol,place the bangles one above the other and bangles should be of same size..
Diy Bangles diya stand is ready for use☺

#diy #diwali2017 #activity3 #diyastand #bestoutofwaste


I just helped him with outline  ,rest all colours are filled by him to make it as colourful  rangoli.

The colours are of his own choice and he decided it.
#rangoli #diwali2017 #activity2 #finemotor #art

​Frog Fact cards

Based on questions asked by my son regarding frog,I prepared handwritten fact cards about Frog for him.
It was a learning experience for me too as I didnot have answer for few questions,I had to figure out answers..
#vocabulary #frog #factcards #diy #language

Water Rangoli

Today my son wanted to do Diwali activities,so we started with one of his favourite Water rangoli,we did the same last year for Diwali and Xmas tree for Christmas.During that time,I did not document anything and I didnot have any blog too.

This water Rangoli teaches science to kids and good sensorial experience.
How my little hero did water Rangoli ☺☺
1.He drew outline of diya and cut in accordingly so that it acts as stencil #scissorskills
2.He greased the plate with oil.#sensoryskills
3.Placed the stencil over the plate and using spoon,he filled rangoli colour #fine motor.
4.Removed the paper stencil carefully #handeyecoordination
5.Poured water slowly over the plate using small jug #finemotor.
6.The oil and water doesn’t mix and you can see your colourful water Rangoli #science.
#diwali #activity1 #diwali2017 #waterrangoli