Mould and paint

My little hero got a gift set of Chota been Mould and paint from our loved one.While it was drying ,he used the remaining clay for the mould available at home such as duck and others and painted them.

#mould #paint #art 

​Pressure Cooker Eggless Sponge cake

My little hero suddenly started to show interest in baking cakes and he wanted to learn it.I have never done any baking till date .
To encourage his interest,for the first time we did Eggless Sponge cake using pressure cooker since we don’t have oven.
We are very glad that our first attempt turned out to be super successful with soft and spongy cake.☺
My child was involved in each  every work except keeping the baking Tin in pressure cooker as it was extreme hot.
#practicallife #baking #cooking #5years #pressurecookercake #eggless #spongecake


The impact of big boss for watching less than 5 minutes by little hero was the reason for this freeze game.He started to play freeze game at home ,then he started to freeze animals.

Then he was exploring with balloons and gloves.He used funnel to fill water for one balloon and then direct filling water under tap for another balloon.
He made large ,medium ,small balloon as quantity of water differed in each balloon.
Freezed the balloons and gloves.He peeled the skin of balloon and gloves.
I asked him to add food colours and salt and to observe him the layers of balloon and to figure out what happens to the balloon after adding salt.The difference in balloon after using salt and food colour.
He had lots of patience to observe the entire process and he measured the water which melted from freezed balloon.

#sensory #finemotor #freeze #game #science

Diy Pizza by little hero ​

Any body needs pizza?My little hero is fond of pretend play always,so he decided to do pizza for his play.
He had cut cardboard ,painted it and has used paper cuttings of toppings and he used pepper too.
He packed his pizza in first cry box and used his cycle to deliver pizza.I was acting as customer.We had super fun playing together
The child doesn’t need expensive toys , encourage them to explore in their way as each child is unique.
#pizza #diy #pretendplay #scissorskill #finemotor

​Pepper water fun

You need pepper powder ,water ,plate and drop of dish washing liquid .We used Santoor  hand wash too as alternative and it works well.
Ask the child to pour some water on plate, sprinkle pepper powder .Then ask the child to dip lightly in any dish washing liquid and place the finger in center .
This is very simple but will be super fun for kids.

#pepperwater #experiment #science #fun

​Fun time during power cut

We are facing lots of power cut nowadays especially in night and we play lots of games during power cut.
Yesterday idea from #dadslab came to our rescue.
You just need two ingredients ,shampoo and paint of your choice.Take a bowl ,mix shampoo and paint very well and pour it inside zip lock cover.
My little hero used it for drawing,writing letters,learning to spell and many things.It was super fun.
#spell #sensory #draw #prewriting #games

Solid,Liquid and Gas

My son had homework to name solid,liquid ,gas but you know ,we don’t prefer to do blindly unless we understand the concept.

Understanding the concept of solid,liquid,gas

Step 1:

I asked my son to hold his ball in his hand .Next ,I asked my son to hold water in his hand.Then I asked him to blew in his hand .After doing these three things,I asked him how did he feel.

For ball,he felt the shape and size of it,He was not able to hold water in his hand.He could only feel the air when he blew,but he couldnot see it.

Step 2

I asked the child to take three glasses and bowl.I asked him to take few marbles and fill it in glass A,Then glass B with water.I took camphor and lighted it,filled the gas in another glass and closed it with lid.

Now I asked the child to pour marbles from glass A to bowl.Then poured water from glass B to bowl,Then tried to pour gas from glass C to bowl.

The child learnt that marble was same in shape and volume in both glass and bowl.Water has changed the shape but it was same quantity when transferred.The smoke captured could not be transferred and it spreaded throughout the room.

Step 3:

This was done by child himself .He took ice from freezer and kept it in bowl(solid).He kept it in balcony so that ice can melt to water(liquid) and with my help,he heated the water in gas stove (gas).

During this process,child understood that solid has definite shape and volume.Liquid doesn’t have shape but volume.Gas doesn’t have shape and volume.

#science #concept #solid #liquid #gaseous