​Reaction of ball in water

Due to low internet connectivity from past two days,I am not able to share what we did two days back.
I asked my son to take small ball,water,glass.Firstly I asked him to fill the glass to the half and place the ball inside.
He had to tell me the position of the ball in half glass of water.
Secondly,I asked him to fill water in same glass so that it is almost full.When he placed the ball,the position of the ball was different.
I asked my little hero to observe the two situations and figure out the reason for change in position of ball.
He was very much surprised and had mixed reaction and was very much involved to find the reason.
I always prefer the child to think ,understand and come out with own answer.
Simple things makes life amazing☺☺

#science #experiment #ballreaction #water

Reaction of the balloon

Little hero always love to do experiments and he has lots of interest in these things.He is checking the reaction of the balloon in hot water and cold water.

It was fun doing it and he enjoyed it.

You just need empty water bottle,balloon,hot water and cold water.

Remove the lid of bottle and cover the top of bottle with balloon.

Ask the child to place the bottle in hot water and observe the reaction.Similarly do it for cold water.

Let child observe it and come out with his own answer.The little minds  surprise us with many unexpected answers if we allow then to explore in their way.

It looks very simple but we can learn lots of things while doing it.
Parental supervision is needed as hot water is used.

#science #balloon #reaction #experiment


Self discovery of rainbow by my little hero using CD.I was working in kitchen,I heard him calling me to see rainbow.

Free play are the best when the child explores of his own without any intervention.

#science #rainbow #freeplay

Decoration of Rakhi

Today,I just encouraged my son to decorate rakhi using chart paper and self adhesive stickers.

I asked my little hero to trace circle in chart paper and cut & paste it.

Then he decorated with self adhesive stickers .

Our rakhi is ready in few minutes ☺☺

Happy rakshabandhan☺

#rakhi #decoration #art 

National war museum ,Pune

A magnificent place in Pune which touched our hearts when we looked in to unique  history of our Indian army .We visited to show our little hero about our brave soldiers ,their sacrifices,to introduce him to our history and to make him understand that we are able to live at peace because of our Indian Army .

Each and everything tells a story ,weapons,tanks,medals and so many other things .If you are in Pune,please do visit it for sure with your child.Than I share about our experience and photos ,it would be best if you experience the feel with child.

It is very well maintained with polite & kind staffs.We spent around 3 hours and will be visiting again .While returning back to our home,my little hero said,I would like to join our Indian Army after I grow big.It was proud moment to hear it from our child and we will feel really proud if he joins our Indian Army.

The entry is free of cost and they have break in afternoon from 12.30 to 2 pm.They show video too for 15 mins.I did not cover entire description about this place,as it would be the best when you feel and experience of your own.

A must visit place by everyone and don’t miss it if you are in Pune.

Few information about this place:

The National War Memorial Southern Command is a war memorial which is located in Pune cantonment,an area reserved for armed forces  and it is dedicated to  war martyrs. 

It is the only war memorial in South Asia which was constructed by raising funds from the public. The museum has a MIG 23 BN that was used in the Kargil War, for public display.(source:wiki)

#indianarmy #warmuseum #history #india