​Does it Float or Sink?

One of the activity which he is doing since toddler to till date.Yesterday ,when I was busy with my chores,found him playing this with objects available at home.
How my little hero plays Float or Sink 
He takes deep vessel ,fills it water.Then he collects whatever is available handy at home.
For example,Pen,feather,lock,small ball and soon.
Then he takes one object in hand and he would make a guess whether it will Float or Sink.
For example,If he takes a marble ,He will say marble will Sink.Then he puts marble in the vessel to see what happens.The best part is he would do analyse why does it Sink and not Float.
Similarly he does for other objects.Self engaging activity which my child loves to do.
#floatandsink #concept  #science #freeplay

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