Diy play dough

If you are thinking to do homemade play dough for your little ones which is completely free and can be done easily at home with ingredients found in your kitchen,then this post would be useful to you.

This is tried and tested method by me and I m following and using the same method from past 3 years with my little one.

You just need 5 ingredients to prepare this play dough.


All purpose flour – 4 cups

Salt – 1 1/2 cups

Water – 1 cup

Oil – 2tbsp 

Food colouring of your choice


Step 1: Take bowl,add flour and then salt.Mix it well.(Bowl 1)

Step 2: take small bowl ,add water and oil and drop of food colouring ,mix it well.(Bowl 2)

Step 3: Then add flour from Bowl 1 to Bowl 2 .Mix it well and knead it till it turns soft.

Your soft play dough is ready to use .This is very economical,chemical free and morever doesn’t need to cook or bake or creamtar

I thought to share it as it may be useful to some parents.

Happy learning☺☺

Note :

a.I have divided the flour to one cup each for each colour as I wanted four coloured dough.You can change it according to your need based on quantity.

b.I have sticked to this ratio as it is working well for me from past 3 years.

c.I store it in ziplock cover for long use.

d.I prepare every month in small quantities in different colours for open ended play.It has remained in same texture from beginning till end but make sure to put it back in ziplock cover after use.

#diy #homemade #playdough

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