National war museum ,Pune

A magnificent place in Pune which touched our hearts when we looked in to unique  history of our Indian army .We visited to show our little hero about our brave soldiers ,their sacrifices,to introduce him to our history and to make him understand that we are able to live at peace because of our Indian Army .

Each and everything tells a story ,weapons,tanks,medals and so many other things .If you are in Pune,please do visit it for sure with your child.Than I share about our experience and photos ,it would be best if you experience the feel with child.

It is very well maintained with polite & kind staffs.We spent around 3 hours and will be visiting again .While returning back to our home,my little hero said,I would like to join our Indian Army after I grow big.It was proud moment to hear it from our child and we will feel really proud if he joins our Indian Army.

The entry is free of cost and they have break in afternoon from 12.30 to 2 pm.They show video too for 15 mins.I did not cover entire description about this place,as it would be the best when you feel and experience of your own.

A must visit place by everyone and don’t miss it if you are in Pune.

Few information about this place:

The National War Memorial Southern Command is a war memorial which is located in Pune cantonment,an area reserved for armed forces  and it is dedicated to  war martyrs. 

It is the only war memorial in South Asia which was constructed by raising funds from the public. The museum has a MIG 23 BN that was used in the Kargil War, for public display.(source:wiki)

#indianarmy #warmuseum #history #india

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