​Full,half ,empty

 I asked my child to take three glasses and gave jug of water.

I wrote Full,Half ,Empty in respective glasses.
The child had to read it and fill the water in glass accordingly.
Aids in understand the concept of full , half,empty,reading,measurement and practical life skills
#fullhalfempty #concept #measurements #maths #reading #practicallife

​Does it Float or Sink?

One of the activity which he is doing since toddler to till date.Yesterday ,when I was busy with my chores,found him playing this with objects available at home.
How my little hero plays Float or Sink 
He takes deep vessel ,fills it water.Then he collects whatever is available handy at home.
For example,Pen,feather,lock,small ball and soon.
Then he takes one object in hand and he would make a guess whether it will Float or Sink.
For example,If he takes a marble ,He will say marble will Sink.Then he puts marble in the vessel to see what happens.The best part is he would do analyse why does it Sink and not Float.
Similarly he does for other objects.Self engaging activity which my child loves to do.
#floatandsink #concept  #science #freeplay

Diy play dough

If you are thinking to do homemade play dough for your little ones which is completely free and can be done easily at home with ingredients found in your kitchen,then this post would be useful to you.

This is tried and tested method by me and I m following and using the same method from past 3 years with my little one.

You just need 5 ingredients to prepare this play dough.


All purpose flour – 4 cups

Salt – 1 1/2 cups

Water – 1 cup

Oil – 2tbsp 

Food colouring of your choice


Step 1: Take bowl,add flour and then salt.Mix it well.(Bowl 1)

Step 2: take small bowl ,add water and oil and drop of food colouring ,mix it well.(Bowl 2)

Step 3: Then add flour from Bowl 1 to Bowl 2 .Mix it well and knead it till it turns soft.

Your soft play dough is ready to use .This is very economical,chemical free and morever doesn’t need to cook or bake or creamtar

I thought to share it as it may be useful to some parents.

Happy learning☺☺

Note :

a.I have divided the flour to one cup each for each colour as I wanted four coloured dough.You can change it according to your need based on quantity.

b.I have sticked to this ratio as it is working well for me from past 3 years.

c.I store it in ziplock cover for long use.

d.I prepare every month in small quantities in different colours for open ended play.It has remained in same texture from beginning till end but make sure to put it back in ziplock cover after use.

#diy #homemade #playdough

​Diy Pattern blocks

Today I m going to share a simple diy foam pattern blocks which doesnot take much time.We have 200+ pieces ready in hand for open-ended play ,logical reasoning and many more.
Things needed
Foam sheets



We have used the shapes which we brought when my son was toddler.I asked my son to press the shapes on foam sheets to get impression of shape on the sheet.Then cut it accordingly using scissor.We enjoyed doing it together.
No reading further,that’s all,your diy foam pattern blocks are ready for use.Sounds simple,do try at-home with your little one.
#diy #patternblocks 

Happy Independence day

Happy Independence day

Today teacher had talked about our Independence day in school.When little hero returned from school,he took whatever he need,he got set to do our national flag of his own.
He has taken unused cardboard,fevicryl colours,water colours and was so happy to see his creation of national flag .
He has tied  national flag in balcony and was greeting loved ones in opposite building ☺☺
Wish each and everyone of you very Happy Independence day ☺☺
#independenceday2017 #littleheroart #art #freeplay

Love for gardening

What a beautiful day ,when I see happiness in our little hero’s face to see rose blossom in our mini garden.☺☺☺

Today little hero has decided to grow vegetables and already started first step by sowing coriander seeds.
We have very limited space but trying to do what best we can do.Love for gardening will continue forever ❤❤
#gardening #littleheroloveforgardening

Art using qtip

You just need tree template with branches ,few drops of different water colours of your child choice and few earbuds .

Ask the child to tie the  earbuds using rubber hand and leave it to child to explore it in template.

#art #qtip