Reading time

Reading time
Little hero is book lover,he loves to read lots of book which I don’t have any count but from this week,we have to decided to read few books in addition to his choice.


Little hero’s Shelf activity

Little hero’s Shelf activity

The first Shelf activity worked out well,so we are continuing with our next set of activities for this week.We already started doing from today but I couldn’t find time to post it last night.
1.Shloka : All these days,we used to sing whatever shlokas comes to our mind but from this week,we have decided to start with one shloka per week and to understand the meaning of it very well before going ahead with next shloka.
2.Prayer cards :(The child wanted to learn few prayer songs similar to what he sings at school)
3.Yoga (Starting to learn with one pose every week)
4.Who am I ? 
We played this today.I have taken print out of eyes of our family members in two sets.The child had to guess the family member by seeing the eyes.

Then child had to do matching of eyes with correct pair.For each member,he need to tell something about the person and what he likes and dislikes about the person.He loved it very much.

5.Task cards(practical life): He is showing lots of interest in self cooking,so I found these task cards pretty simple which he can do independently.
6.Jigsaw puzzle of farm animals
7.Interlocking puzzle 
8.Animal maze to match animal head
9.Hat matching activity
10.A booklet of happiness (pre reading cards) ,We can see happy & smiling of children from different parts of world with country names)
11.Indian art cards ( To give brief introduction about our Indian arts)
12.Beads pattern puzzle
13.Diy activity book ( Activity no 7 to activity no 12)
14.Reading time ( We have chose 6 books to read for this week).
This is all about glance of our little hero Shelf activity for this week.

Diy Weather Calendar board

This is diy Weather Calendar board done by little hero under my guidance to understand about weather forecast and recording daily weather.

Apart from that, in his notebook,he is making note of weather in morning,noon,evening separately to observe change in weather.

 Child role in this diy

He has cut and pasted stickers with glue .

He wrote numbers.

He has drawn line using scale as per my instruction.

Everyday he predicts what would be the next day weather and puts tick mark in appropriate column.

The next day,he would observe the weather and put tick mark in the appropriate column wherever applicable.

This will be done by the child for the whole week and if he would like to continue,we will carry forward it further.

#diy #weather 

Love for the grass

We had pooja at home and my son asked me whether he could take grass for playing.

What we played using grass?

1.Grass house – open-ended play

2.Pretend play – Feeding the cows

3.Sensory counting.

I used our shape sorters which I had purchased when my son was a toddler.

First,I kept numerals 1 to 5 ,then hided shape sorters with count of 1 to 5 inside the grass.The child had to match it accordingly.

Secondly the same counting with little change,numerals were hided inside the grass.

4.I spy the bugs: I kept few insects figurines.I gave clue about the insect.Based on the clue,the child had to find insects.

5.Cut the grass : The child had to cut the grass uniform in size.
#sensoryskills #counting #maths #openendedplay #pretendplay #scissorskills #littleherohomelearning

Building vocabulary relating to weather

After our introduction about weather using Diy weather puppets,we thought to build our vocabulary relating to weather.

Today,I asked child to pick up card of his choice and describe the word of his own.

I always prefer to understand the meaning and concept and frame it in his own sentence.We also learnt new words which was not covered during our introduction to weather.

Source: Grade School Giggles

#vocabulary #weather

​Letters,words and sentence

Simple method to differentiate between letters,words and sentence .
I have used sheet of paper,then I did cut the paper in to equal sizes with columns.I wrote capital and small letters,words,sentence.
In another sheet,I categorised it to letters,words and sentence.
The child had to cut using scissors,stick and paste it in respective categories.
This will aid child to understand and differentiate between letters,words ,sentences and makes to comprehend formation of words and sentences.
You can use the same technique for your mother tongue or any other language.

#english #littleherohomelearning #language

Diy weather puppets

My son wanted to learn about weather.So this month we will focus to learn about weather as per child’s interest.

I always prefer to make as simple as possible so that child can understand the concept very well.As an introduction about weather,today we did weather puppets using popsicle stick and stickers.

#diy #weather #puppets

Book about weather

Today,we found this book pretty useful .This book very much helped me to understand better and answer the questions asked by my child.

Sometimes,I don’t know the answer for the questions asked by the child and this book served as my rescuer😉

​Little hero’s Shelf activities

We are taking baby steps in to Shelf activities .Apart from Shelf activities,we will be learning together about topic ” Weather” which is decided by little hero.
The one and only inspiration to introduce Shelf activities is none other than my dear friend and well wisher Amrutha Ramasubramanian.Thank you so much Amruta.❤❤
We do not follow any specific method but when we were discussing,we found Shelf activities would help us in better planning and execution.We will not be following any theme for Shelf activities.
The best part of our Shelf activities are that it will be arranged by our team.Our team consists of little hero,myself and my husband.
It hardly took 5 minutes and we have kept it as simple as possible.We are working out on few plans and need to wait & see how best it can work.
We always believe in doing whatever available at home and we have used our old storage rack for Shelf activities,few trays that was available at home and rotating his old toys by doing mix& match.
What’s in our Shelf?
1.Blocks – for open-ended play as blocks are little hero’s all time favourite.He prefers free play.
2.Story telling with puppets: little hero’s loves to create his own stories and we will be using puppets as property.
3.Brain quest – Questions & answers.We are planning to do few questions from this product.
4.Story sequence cards : The child need to arrange the story cards in correct sequence and narrate the story.
5.Circular puzzle
6.Memory game : I will keep each vehicle card in each numbered box,the child will get 5 minutes to see.The child will roll the dice and based on number,he need to tell which card is inside the particular box.Level of difficulty will be increased one by one
7.Inserting pipe cleaners inside the colourful balls.We will use sand timers to increase the difficulty level.
8.Shoe lacing board 
9.Diy Activity book for July 2017 (I will be adding activities every week based on child’s interest)
10.Reading time (We have selected few books for the week as reading books are child’s favourite).
#littleheroshelfactivity1 #july2017