Visit to Fire station

From past few weeks,my little hero had lots of questions about fire engine and some of my answers were not satisfactory to him.

As you know,I always follow his cues and take forward, so I took him to Erandwane fire station to make him understand about the importance of fire brigades and firemen and to give practical exposure to Fire station.Erandwane fire station has fire brigade museum inside their premises.

He loved it so much and we spent long hours and staffs were very kind & had lots of patience to answer to my son.The entry is free to public and on all days.Our government has provided valuable resource with well maintained area and kind staffs.It is awesome ☺☺

The ground floor has a 1956 vintage fire engine. On the first floor, one will find all the equipment used in fire management, like different suits, wireless sets, rescue belts, monitors to spray water (which are mounted on the fire engine), emergency lights, special cameras which let you see through the smoke and many more.

I would suggest you to visit any fire station in your city .If you are in Pune,please do visit Erandwane fire station with your child.Be it a school / teachers/activity center/educator/parents/caretaker or anyone ,it’s a must visit for everyone with child to understand the importance of fire brigades ,firemen, Fire engines.

#firestation #firemuseum #fieldtrip #placestovisitinpune #5years

2 thoughts on “Visit to Fire station

  1. sri1ram says:

    Thanks so much! Sadly there is little info online regarding this gem in trip-adviser or other standard sites. I will be taking my little any-wheeled-vehicle-addicted hero there tomorrow!


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