Exploring in his way

When the whole house is maintaining pin drop silence,then certainly something would be happening with lot of involvement.

My little hero was trying to create rain using warm water from my flask and ice.☺☺
My little hero’s all time favourite is pretend play ,experimenting & exploring of his own.Very often,I m asked which method do we follow,how we plan activities,what’s our schedule and how he is engaged throughout the day.
To be honest,we don’t follow any method,no specific plans nor any schedules..One and only thing which we do always and forever ” Follow our child” and we let him to explore and support his interest.
Most of the day ,it would be free play,pretend play,outdoor play,he participate in all house hold chores and lots of chatting and cuddling.Depending on the day’s interest,we would do some activity with whatever available at home.There are days ,when we don’t wish to do anything.


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