Visit to Fire station

From past few weeks,my little hero had lots of questions about fire engine and some of my answers were not satisfactory to him.

As you know,I always follow his cues and take forward, so I took him to Erandwane fire station to make him understand about the importance of fire brigades and firemen and to give practical exposure to Fire station.Erandwane fire station has fire brigade museum inside their premises.

He loved it so much and we spent long hours and staffs were very kind & had lots of patience to answer to my son.The entry is free to public and on all days.Our government has provided valuable resource with well maintained area and kind staffs.It is awesome ☺☺

The ground floor has a 1956 vintage fire engine. On the first floor, one will find all the equipment used in fire management, like different suits, wireless sets, rescue belts, monitors to spray water (which are mounted on the fire engine), emergency lights, special cameras which let you see through the smoke and many more.

I would suggest you to visit any fire station in your city .If you are in Pune,please do visit Erandwane fire station with your child.Be it a school / teachers/activity center/educator/parents/caretaker or anyone ,it’s a must visit for everyone with child to understand the importance of fire brigades ,firemen, Fire engines.

#firestation #firemuseum #fieldtrip #placestovisitinpune #5years

Diy Bulletin board

When I was talking about doing Bulletin board /pin board with my little hero,he had lots of questions such as why it is needed,what is the use of it..Then finally he said,you use it as Bulletin board and I would like to use it as photo frame .☺☺

We just bought Thermocol for 15rs and rest used whatever available at home.

My role was only to cut the sheet according to size of Thermocol and stick it.

Little hero wanted to decorate it with stickers.Entire decorations was done by him as it would be photo frame for him☺☺.

Step by step procedure to do diy Bulletin board

Things needed


Foam sheet / anything of your choice.(We have used handmade paper )

Decorative tapes(optional)

Stickers (optional)

Glue & scissor

Double tape (to stick it on wall)


Cut the handmade paper (or any material which you use) according to the size of thermocol and paste it on thermocol.

You can use decorative tapes for border and if you wish ,you can decorate it using stickers or anything.In our case,it was child’s wish to decorate it and he has taken effort to stick them with lots of patience.

Finally ,using double tape stick it on wall.

Our diy Bulletin board is ready for use.

#diy #bulletinboard #pinboard #5years

Joshi’s Miniature Railway Museum,Pune

Today we visited miniature Railway museum which is located in kothrud,Pune.It has different models of miniature train , circus,tunnel,steam engine,merry go rounds ,people waiting for train,lighting effects and many more in the model.

Even though it is not spacious as we had expected but worth a visit if your child is interested to know about trains.They conduct a show which lasts for 30 minutes where you can see working model of train and voice narrating as story to kids.

Entry ticket per person is 90rs and minimum 4 persons are required to run the show which we were not aware.We ended up paying for extra ticket as there were no other people than us as we didn’t want to go back without watching the working model of trains after long search to locate the place.
Overall it was new experience to the child ,worth visit for one time.

#placestovisitinpune #fieldtrip

Helping mumma

The little hands when voluntarily comes to help are one of the moments that has to be treasured forever.These moments turns out very special when I m not in good health.I don’t have any words to describe it..☺☺


Exploring in his way

When the whole house is maintaining pin drop silence,then certainly something would be happening with lot of involvement.

My little hero was trying to create rain using warm water from my flask and ice.☺☺
My little hero’s all time favourite is pretend play ,experimenting & exploring of his own.Very often,I m asked which method do we follow,how we plan activities,what’s our schedule and how he is engaged throughout the day.
To be honest,we don’t follow any method,no specific plans nor any schedules..One and only thing which we do always and forever ” Follow our child” and we let him to explore and support his interest.
Most of the day ,it would be free play,pretend play,outdoor play,he participate in all house hold chores and lots of chatting and cuddling.Depending on the day’s interest,we would do some activity with whatever available at home.There are days ,when we don’t wish to do anything.


Papercup hut

You just need paper cup,any colour paper,sketch pens and glue.

Step by step procedure:

1.Tell the child to trace circle in colour paper and cut it using scissor.

2.In paper cup,ask the child to draw two squares as windows and one rectangle as door and colour it.

3.Do small cut in colour paper and fold it in such way to form it as cone.Stick it on top of the paper cup

Paper cup hut is ready for your display.

#art #craft #papercuphut 

Idea courtesy: Iheartcrafty

Sunflower craft

Simple craft which needs yellow,green paper,glue,scissor .We used pepper as we did not have black paper.

Step by step procedure.

1.Ask the child to trace one  big circle and 10 to 15 small circle in yellow paper.Similarly rectangle and two small circles  in green paper

2.Let the child cut traced circle using scissor.

3.Fold the small circle in such way it appears to be triangle.

4.Ask the child to paste it in such away that it appears to be like sun flower.

5.In the center of the flower, apply glue and put pepper till it covers the center portion completely.

It doesn’t take much time ,aids in paper folding and scissor skills in child.

#art #craft #sunflower

Idea courtesy : iheartcrafty

Jelly fish puppet

My son is showing lots of interest in art & craft and he prefer to do it independently but I m not crafty person😉To encourage his interest and take it forward,we did a start with jelly fish puppet.

I came across beautiful page I hearty crafty where I came across simple and beautiful crafts that can be done by child independently.

This is done by my son all by himself under my guidance.I just gave him step by step instruction

Things needed

Paper plate


Plain popsicle stick

Water colours blue and any colour of your choice

Googly eyes

Wool or pipe cleaners(We have used pipe cleaners as it was available at home)

Step by step procedure

1.Ask the child to paint the paper plate using blue colour.Allow it to dry.

2.Tell the child to cut the cardboard similar to face of jelly fish,you can mark and give it to child .Then ask the child to paint it.

3.Paint the popsicle stick 3/4 th.

4.Once everything gets dried,ask the child to stick the pipe cleaners on the backside of jelly fish and then popsicle stick.

5.Paste googly eyes for jelly fish

6.Ask the child to cut the paper plate as sleeping line using pen 

7.Insert the jelly fish in to paper plate.

Your beautiful jelly fish is ready and you can make it dance by shaking the popsicle sticks.

#art #craft #jellyfish

Idea courtesy:Iheartcrafty

The sky experiment

 Little minds are always curious to know answer for their questions.The most common question would be why the sky is blue or orange or red or grey?

To explain these you just need four things.

1.Plain -2 litre  bottle




What you have to do?

Ask the child to fill the 3/4 the of water bottle with water.Then prop up torch on the bottle.

You add a spoon of milk and shake the bottle.Keep on adding milk till you could figure out a blue light that is scattered to child’s eyes from the milk.

Once child see the blue light, add more milk to the mixture until the child see more of an orange or red light.


The sunlight may appear white but is combination of several colours like rainbow.When you look up into the sky, you are actually looking through the Earth’s atmosphere (I used globe ).Sunlight(torch) reaches Earth’s atmosphere and is scattered in all directions.

Blue light is scattered in all directions than any other colours ,thats the reason most of the time sky appears to be blue.During sunrise and sunset,more scattering takes place due to the angle of the sun.Thats the reason our sunrise and sunset looks more colourful☺

I explained to my child by doing pictorial presentation as it helped me to convey it in better way.
#weather #science #experiment