First experience in Metro train

I love travelling using public transport with my child as we gain lots of different exposure.We have used all the public transport except Metro train.We were waiting to travel in Metro train as we don’t have that facility in our city and this summer,our desire got fulfilled.

My little hero was very excited to see the Metro train,using the vending machine, travelling in Metro train to different stations and inserting the tokens during exit.Loved it so much.

Each and everything was new experience to the child.I was equally excited as this was my first time to travel in Metro train too.☺☺

Both mom and son loved to the core.We find happiness in each & everything we do ☺☺.

#summerfun #firstexperience #metrotrain #practicallife #littleherotraveldairies2017

Honey bee farm

My little hero was curious to understand and learn about honey.Instead of explaining at home,we decided to take him to honey bee farm where he could visualise each and everything which will help him to understand in better way.

We visited Government owned Bee Keeping Centre in Mahabaleshwar. It provided us in depth knowledge about honeybee rearing and honey collection process.

We are very thankful to the staffs who explained ,each and every basic details to my little hero from types of bees to how the honey is packed in the bottle and sold to us.Entire process was covered and all questions by the child was answered by the staff without any hesitation.Not only for the child,we too learnt a lot during the process.

I will make a detailed post with all the knowledge we gained in this visit  in a separate post so that it may be useful to many little ones and parents as soon as possible.

#summerfun #honeybeefarm #5years #practicallife #honeybees #littleherotraveldairies2017

Our learning at Strawberry farm

Thank you all the lovely hearts who are messaging me to enquire about our well being.I m very blessed to have very kind people with me.Thank you so much.We are continuously travelling from past few weeks to different places with our little hero.Thats the reason,I m not able to share regularly.

We recently visited Strawberry farm in Panchagani , Maharashtra and it was in our do list from long time and was eagerly waiting for summer vacation.

Each and every minute things were noticed in the farm by little hero.He was given practical exposure to understand about the Strawberry.One of the best way to understand the lifecycle of strawberry.I could feel his happiness and he was so much excited and lots of his questions were answered.We spent good time together in understand each and everything about growth of Strawberry to sales.

We love travelling and we learn a lot during our travel.Best exposure to kids who love to learn in practical way.

#summerfun #strawberryfarm #littleherotraveldairies2017 #practicallife #sensory #lifecycleofstrawberry

Fun at beach

We all love beaches and it is boon if you find a very clean beach,not crowded where we can enjoy with kids.We also saw lots of crabs.I need not say how much fun it will be in water and playing in beach sand.

Kashid  beach is 170 kms from Pune and beach town in the shores of Arabian sea in Maharashtra.I m sure ,you will never regret visiting this place.

#summerfun #kashidbeach #5years #placesuggestion

Little hero’s evening with farm animals

Well spent evening with farm animals.Lots of sensory exposure was available for child.It was practical life exposure to child about farm animals.It helps child to understand about farm animals in better way.

He spent good time with dogs,cows,goat,chicks,cock,hen,rabbits,ducks and many more and loved it so much.

#summerfun #fieldtrip #farmanimals #practicallife #5years #littleherotraveldairies2017

Lifting the Rice bottle with ladle

Long time back,I have read about the lifting the rice bottle using stick.I didn’t had stick in my place,so we used ladle.You just need water bottle,rice,funnel(optional) and ladle.

All you have to do are the following 3 steps

Step 1: Ask the child to fill the bottle with rice using funnel.Make sure that it is almost full.

Step 2: Ask the child to insert the ladle in the bottle.The ladle should touch bottom of the bottle.

Step 3: After few seconds ,ask the child to gently lift the bottle by holding top part of the ladle(as shown in pic)

Enjoy the fun with new experience of lifting the rice bottle using ladle.We tried only stainless steel ladle,you can try  using chopstick or any stick too.

#summerfun #5years #funexperiment #finemotorskill

Diy Ambulance

My little hero can engage himself very well with whatever available at home.He created Ambulance with soapbox,water colour and lid of tooth paste.

The best part of diy Ambulance which I liked was tooth paste lid used as siren.Its really amazing to see how little mind works☺☺ 

#summerfun #5years #freeplay #childled #diy

Shake the bottle

I had seen a video of We are moms in Facebook and wanted to try it as it was very simple.You just need water bottle and water colour.

Fill the water bottle to almost full and put some watercolour of your choice inside the lid of the bottle(as shown in pic) .Ask the child to shake the bottle and the child would be surprised to see colourful water.

But in our house,my son was not surprised 😢and he easily figured out that I have added paint in the lid and that’s the reason colour of water changed.

But he turned it out to be super fun game by adding two different colours in the lid and check the outcome.He tried out all possibilities with all colours.

He changed the concept of the game to colour mixing game.

#summerfun #childled #colourmix #5years

Noodles Art

My son told me that he would like to do painting on noodles and see the outcome of it.I always let him to explore and do in his style.I strongly believe each one of us are  unique in our own way.

He loves painting and would like to do on different textures and materials.This was the outcome of my little hero’s noodle art.We loved it.

#summerfun #childled #freeplay #art #5years

Pista shells art

The collected pista shells were converted to art.I asked my child to paint the pista shells according to his choice.

Then he sticked to those colourful pista shells.Our pista shells art was looking very close colourful and appealing.

#summerfun #art #bestoutofwaste #5years