Bottle cap fun

We had collected several bottle caps over a period of time and today thought to use them in our game.We played two games using Bottle caps which are as mentioned below :

1.Bottle cap Striker game

2.Magnetic bottle cap

Before starting our game,the child did the following:

1.Cleaning and wiping of bottle caps one by one

2.Counting of bottle caps(We came to know that we had collected 50 bottle caps)

3.Bottle cap Rangoli: My son created Rangoli using Bottle cap

4.Bottle cap tower

5.Sorting bottle caps according to colour

6.Sorting bottle caps according to size (large,medium,small)

7.Transferring pom poms using tong according to colour of bottle cap

8.Sorting bottle caps according to number(I was changing numbers randomly)

9.Bottle cap Striker game

I sticked paper tapes on the floor and kept different colours of bottle caps.The child had to hit the bottle cap using Striker based on my instruction.

For example,Target and hit the bottle cap on the top .

10.Magnetic bottle cap

I have sticked magnet and paper clips on bottle caps.I gave string tied with magnet to the child.The child need to concentrate and lift the bottle cap using string.It is similar to fishing game but was replaced with bottle caps.

It was fun playing with bottle caps.

#games #sorting #counting #practicallife #concentration #finemotor #counting #art #balancing #handeyecoordination #freeplay #5years

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