Create your own story with stickers

Stories are our all time favourite.We narrate stories using toys,puppets,hands,stickers and whatever comes to our mind.We play it as story telling game too.

Today we did story telling using stickers and paper.I regularly keep a stock of stickers,paper cuts from magazines,Google images printout at home since my child loves this method of story narration.

It aids in developing fine motor skills, narration,expressions , imagination,builds confidence level in the child and encourages positive thinking.

How do we create stories using stickers

First method:

I just hand over the stickers and sheet to the child.He sticks the sticker on sheet and creates own story based on the stickers.It will be very interesting as story develops based on sticker.In this method,it develops the imagination and narration skills of the child.

Second method

I can feel the mood of my child .It has worked very well when the child is upset.Last year,there was an incident which made him to feel bad as others laughed at him including his dad.That was the situation ,I used stickers based on the incident and the child could open up freely what was in the mind and express it.

It boost the confidence level and develops positive attitude.

This method was adopted today as he was upset.His mood was cheered up at the end of story.

I don’t prefer to pester him by asking what happened and other questions as he would be already upset.I don’t either prefer to give him gyaan.

This story telling game will be played only when the child is in good mood to listen and at appropriate time.Certainly not immediately after the incident.

Other instances which you can use:

We can use this sticker method when it is decided to put child in playgroup,shifting to new place as there will be totally new environment,set up routine for the school,to create awareness about good touch & bad touch and many more.

This can be done in either ways 

A.Parent narrating own story to child

B.Child narrating story to parents

C.Group story narration activity among kids.

#storynarration #imagination skills #fun #expressfeelings #confidence #positivethinking #games #5year

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