Our Teeth game

This game was prepared in less than 5 minutes.I got this idea of playing this game when we were talking about human teeth.

I just draw teeth from 1 to 32 in sheet of paper with few simple rules.Chalk piece are used as teeth.This game was played in two methods.

How we played

First method.

We have used 32 pieces of chalk pieces as teeth and a dice for this game

0 is the start and end point of game

My child wanted to mention it as baby,little boy,highschool boy,college,office,daddy,grandpa as stages.

For certain teeth ,I have mentioned rules as move forward 2 teeth,backward 2 teeth,go to teeth number 17 and soon

The child had to roll the dice ,count it and keep the teeth according to numbers.

For example: If the dice stops at 5,the child had to keep 5 teeth and keep on adding according to the number.The game will end after reaching the finish point 0.

Second method.

In this method ,I asked the child to keep all 32 pieces of teeth in each place.

The child had to roll the dice.If he gets number 2,he need to remove 2 teeth and put it in cup.The game ends when all 32 teeth are removed.

This game is purely my imagination and but my child loved playing it.It was different experience.

#games #counting #maths #5years

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