Child led experiment

My little hero had turmeric,kumkum,spices with him after completing his Indian Spices Ganesha.

He laid his hands on trying experiment of his own with the things available with him.

How he did?

He took glass of water ,added turmeric to it.Observed the colour change .Then added kumkum to it to find out what would be the effect to the water

Then added cloves,pepper,cinnamon one by one and figured out which spices will float and sink.

#childled #experiment12

Our Indian Spices Ganesha

This post would be one of my most favourite as it has hidden message of Never never never give up.

We do Ganesha using clay during the Ganesha festival.My little hero is fond of creating anything from clay,playdough,wheatdough,rice dough and soon.He loves to do the ganesha very much.He learnt during a function that Ganesha can be done through turmeric too.

Speciality about this Ganesha is the out come of the Ganesha is not first attempt.He is trying to do Ganesha from past one year + and has tried out the possibilities ,figured out of his own and never gave up of not able to do it several times.All he did was observing and keep on trying it do again & again.

This makes me feel very special about my little hero’s Indian Spices Ganesha.

He has used turmeric,pepper,cloves ,cinnamon for creating the Ganesha.

#5years #specialmoment

Water Magic

This is simple and amazing trick to do with kids.All you need is glass of water and piece of cardboard.

Just fill the glass with water and make sure that rim of the glass is wet.Cover the top of the glass with piece of cardboard and hold it for second.

Then invert the glass and enjoy the magic with kids.Not even one drop of water will spill from glass.

Happy experimenting😉

Melted crayons art

I asked my child ,shall we do some art without using our hands ? Immediate question was are we going to do painting with our leg🙄

Then I realised I have put the question wrongly but it sounded good to me,painting using legs.We will try it soon.

Coming to the point,we need two things crayons and hair dryer for this experiment.

Take sheet of paper.Remove the wrapper of crayons ,place it in order.Stick cello tape to the crayons on the top.
Switch on the hair dryer,you can experience it in 10 minutes.
You can make the child to feel the texture of crayons before and after melting.Beautiful melted crayons art is ready in few minutes☺☺

Which crayons will melt faster??

Then we wanted to check which crayons will melt faster.

Option A: Grated Crayons

Option B: Broken Crayons

Option C:Full crayons.

I let the child to come out with result by doing of his own under my supervision.


Bubbles formation

This is another version of oil and water experiment.It was done during our recovery days.

Things needed



Food colour

Few tablets (I used Dolo 650)

What we did?

First fill the water in glass.Then add oil to the same glass.In previous experiment,vim was added and for this experiment,we changed it with food colour.

Before adding food colour,ask the child to guess what would happen and let the child come out with answer.Add few drops of food colour to the glass.

Will the food colour mix oil and water together?What would be the reaction of it?

The outcome would be food colour will go to the bottom of glass and will change the colour of water .Oil and water donot mix with each other by addition of food colour.

Then I added few dolo tablets to it to check what would be the effect .After adding few tablets ,bubbles started to form one by one in different sizes.The child was keep on adding many things to see the reaction.

Kindly do it under parental supervision while doing this experiment.


Story time

This story is about oil and water.Long long ago,there was plenty of water.All the people loves water .Children enjoy playing with water very much.

But only one was not playing with water It was oil .Boys and girls donot play with oil.When mumma brings oil to apply on head,they run away.Oil was used for cooking and making yummy food.

Water was feeling sad that oil is not mixing with water when everyone likes water.

Then came our Vim and called both water and oil together .Oil and water didnot mix.Then our Vim entered in middle between oil and water.Finally oil and water mixed with each other happily.

This was done to encourage the child to imagine and create own story.I have penned down it as narrated by child.
Science can be learnt through story too.Learning can happen with anything and it has no end.

#experiment8 #5years

Magic letters

We love doing this any time.All you need are plain paper,white crayon,water colour.

Write anything on plain paper with white crayon and ask the child to paint it using water colours.Use light colours for better results.

The child will be surprised to see the letters when he/she paints on the paper.

You can use this activity for alphabet recognition,shapes,learning letters,writing name,any drawing,teaching two letter words and many more.We can always make learning fun.

#ideas #funlearning

Instant Fountain

We are back to share our ideas and activities with you.Few days back,we had uninvited guests who came at midnight.They troubled mumma and son simultaneously very much.We had tough time.Unfortunately my little hero had to be hospitalised as they caused severe pain to him and finally we bid good bye to our uninvited guests and they are none other than Viral fever.

To celebrate the moment of bidding good bye to uninvited guest,we did instant Fountain using Coco cola.

Things needed:

Coco cola



Take fresh bottle of Coco cola and put mentos inside the bottle.Enjoy the instant Fountain.

Kids will enjoy it for sure but be ready for  cleaning up the room.I couldn’t take the video properly as everything happened in just fraction of seconds.The bigger the bottle,more the effect.
The link for the video :

And one more thing,it will not work if we put in any glass other than coca-cola bottle.It will work only once.

For additional tip:Coco cola can be used to clean the stains in your house.If you have cracked heels,clean your foot with coca-cola before applying crack heels ointment.It cleanses very well.Tried and tested😝

Book suggestion – Funny Photo phonics

#booksuggestion #selfreading

Last year,I had purchased this book titled Funny Photo Phonics from First cry.It costed approximately 50rs per book as first cry offers discount.

This book series comes with 30 books and you can view the detail of each title in the picture.This book turns to be very useful for kids who loves to do self reading.It contains very bright and bold letters on page and colourful image on the other end.

We are using it since last year and we love this series.

Let’s not label anyone

Last Sunday,one of my school friend had texted me to find and confirm is that me who is blogging with several ideas in my Facebook page.She said,she couldn’t believe and were discussing with others about me.She asked thrice,Is that really you ? ,inspite of telling it’s me and am sharing activities which I do with my son at home so that it would be helpful for others.

I m not angry with her but to be honest,I am hurt.Its all because of the label during my school days.I had very supporting parents who used to motivate me at all times but I was labelled by few of my teachers that I m a weak student,Fails to understand,donot know basic,Sensitive ,Shy,Not social , irresponsible and the list of labels goes on.A day never passed without label.

When my paper comes for correction,my teacher used to tell me it’s bhuvaneswari paper,I can correct in seconds as there would be nothing to check.I really would have put lots of hardwork because of my parents motivation.These labels by certain teachers made me to lose interest in studies.I was labelled that I am total waste,useless and not fit for anything.

I still remember a incident which is still in my eyes,I was studying in 5th standard at that time.Everyone used to share food in our class during lunch but when I share my food,few of my classmates used to throw my food very easily outside the window which mom prepared with lots of pain , stating that if they eat my food,they will become dull student like me.All of them used to laugh at me.

Another incident which I can never forget is that my teacher speaking to my mom,my mom used to pick me from school,my teacher told me as your daughter is weak student,I will conduct her oral exam tomorrow when others oral would be conducted according to timetable.My mom used to encourage me at all situations.According to the teacher,conducting oral exam for me was waste of time as she had already decided in her mind that I will not perform.

Things changed when I joined different school in my 11th standard,I was sitting alone with fear of labelling me again in my new school by my teachers and other friends.But I was very fortunate to meet a very good teacher in my life ,Ramani miss who was turning point in my life.The way I see life totally changed and after that I learnt to never give up.I learnt how to face my label and took very long time to come out with label of my first half of school life.

There are many incidents which has happened in my life due to labelling me.I have experienced personally about the impact of label.I donot understand from my textbooks,my score was low but I have my interest in other things.I m unique ,I am happy for being myself.

Even now,I m labelled being irresponsible mother by few people which I really donot care.I was labelled that I m careless mother who was the reason for my son’s recent hospitalisation.It’s very easy to label but how much it hurts ,you will never understand.

We parents,grandparents,caretakers,teachers,relatives,friends unknowingly or knowingly ,we tend to label the child and other as She is hyperactive,he is dumb,He donot know anything,he is talkative,Her attention is very low.he is a weak student,dull boy,lazy,careless,slow eater,poor learner and so many other things.You wouldn’t have any wrong intentions and you may forget it,but the situation with child/ person whom you labelled will not be same,it will affect very deeply in their mind.

At some point of time,if you would have labelled someone either in your school ,college days,office or any place ,please do make sure that you donot repeat it again forever.

I have seen two phases of my school life which is good label and bad label.Label is label whether it’s good or bad.I don’t prefer any of the labels.I know what I am and I don’t need labels.I love to be myself.

It has happened with me,it may happen with my child,your child or with any one of us.My one and only humble request to each and everyone of you,please donot label anyone.It hurts very badly and doesnot heal over the time.

Let’s not label anyone,lets not hurt other feelings as each one of us are unique in our own ways.

Picture courtesy: Google images