Sound experiment

A.Ringing spoon

You just need a stainless steel spoon and string.Tie the spoon with the string and make a knot.length of the string should depend on the height of the child.Hold it near the ears.

As the spoon  is hanging in front of you, knock it into the edge of a table to produce a “dong” sound.If you are using a small spoon, you should hear similar to a bell sound.

Our learning:

The spoon, when it hits a surface, begins to vibrate. That’s what causes the air to vibrate and produce “sound” in our ears. Sound travels better through a solid (like the spoon and string) than through the air.

B.Paper cup walkie talkie

Guess,we all would have done this when we were kids.I personally have enjoyed this a lot with my brother.

All you need are two paper cups and strings .Put a hole in the bottom of one paper cup and tie the strings so that both paper cups gets connected to each other.

The paper cup walkie talkie is a popular science experiment due to how well it explains the mechanics of sound.

We had lots of fun with our paper cup walkie talkie.He enjoyed playing with his friends.


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