Milk experiment

We did three experiments using milk.

A.Magic milk

Take cup of milk ,pour it in plate.Add drop of food colouring of different colours in the milk.

Then dip the earbuds /qtip in to vim or vim liquid and dip it only once in center of milk.The milk will swirl and food colours will get separated and move to different sides ,leaving the space in the middle.

B.Exploding milk

Take a cup of milk and pour it in plate .First add good amount of vinegar to the milk.Then add baking soda to the milk.In few seconds,you can witness the milk exploding.

C.Milk and vinegar combination.

This idea came from our previous experiment exploding milk.We just added good amount of the vinegar to the milk and noticed that milk started curdling.After few minutes,we filtered it and took the thick texture which appeared just like curd.

After sometime,it thickened and became hard.

It was fun watching reactions of milk using vinegar,baking soda and vim.


Sound experiment

A.Ringing spoon

You just need a stainless steel spoon and string.Tie the spoon with the string and make a knot.length of the string should depend on the height of the child.Hold it near the ears.

As the spoon  is hanging in front of you, knock it into the edge of a table to produce a “dong” sound.If you are using a small spoon, you should hear similar to a bell sound.

Our learning:

The spoon, when it hits a surface, begins to vibrate. That’s what causes the air to vibrate and produce “sound” in our ears. Sound travels better through a solid (like the spoon and string) than through the air.

B.Paper cup walkie talkie

Guess,we all would have done this when we were kids.I personally have enjoyed this a lot with my brother.

All you need are two paper cups and strings .Put a hole in the bottom of one paper cup and tie the strings so that both paper cups gets connected to each other.

The paper cup walkie talkie is a popular science experiment due to how well it explains the mechanics of sound.

We had lots of fun with our paper cup walkie talkie.He enjoyed playing with his friends.


Water and icecubes

This is super simple experiment which needs only water and icecubes

A.Normal water at room temperature.

Take a glass and fill it with half of water and mark the level with sketch pens or paper tapes.Add the icecubes in to the water.

What will happen?the level of water will increase.

Our learning

When you put a thing in to water,the level of the water rises.The water level that rises is equal to the weight of the thing that you have added.

B.Warm water.

Similarly,we tried with warm water.Fill the water to almost top of the glass and make sure that water donot spill on the edge of the glass.

Gently add icecube to the warm water.

Will the water level change??.

No..Water level will not change.

Why it doesn’t change when ice cube melted in warm water?

Eventhough the icecube melted,the water doesn’t overflow.When water freezes to make ice ,it expands and takes more space.But the water from ice takes up less space than ice itself.Thus when the icecube melts,the level of the water stays about the same.


Natural explosion

The first try with this experiment was not success but our next attempt was successful.

You just need ziplock cover,baking soda and vinegar.

We didnot use any measuring cups as we did with trial and error method😉

Just fill your ziplock cover with good amount of vinegar.Put some baking soda in a paper and fold it lightly.

Slowly open the ziplock cover and slightly insert the baking soda paper in ziplock cover ,don’t drop it immediately,hold it inside the cover .When you are sure that ziplock cover is sealed properly,drop it immediately.

In few seconds,you can witness the ziplock cover exploding and be ready to hear the sound ” dum dum’.


Effect of Egg

This experiment was done to observe the effect of egg in salt water,soda water and vinegar.

Things needed

3 eggs,

Salt water

Soda water


Three glasses


Fill the glasses with salt water,soda water and vinegar in respective glasses.Add egg to each glass and allow the child to observe.

You can get instant result in salt and soda water but need 24 hours to observe the full effect in vinegar.

Child’s observation

Egg floats in salt water.Egg sunk to the bottom first in soda water and was full of bubbles inside the soda water.

Egg shell disappeared in vinegar and was looking like soft yellow oval ball.He throwed it by assuming it as ball ,rest you can guess what would have happened to it😝


Natural Magnets

We used tissue paper,comb and balloon to do this experiment.


Cut the tissue paper in to few pieces.Ask the child to comb his hair for 10 strokes.Hold the comb slightly above the tissue paper.The paper will start sticking to the comb automatically.


Blow the balloon and rub it on your head for sometime and hold it slightly above the tissue paper,paper will stick to the balloon.

Using the same technique,you can make the balloon stick to the wall for few seconds.

Similarly comb the hair with a comb and then keep little closely near the running water tap,the water from the tap will look bend.


Orange experiment

Do you have oranges at home?Then,try do this experiment with your child.

You just need one orange ,deep bowl /container with water.

Fill the bowl with water.Put the orange in the water.

Does it sink or float.?Orange will float.

Now take the same orange and peel the skin of the orange ,put it inside the water.What happens?

Now the peeled orange will sink to the bottom.

The same orange gives you two different reactions in the same bowl of water.It floated in the water when you put orange for first time but when you removed the rind of orange,it sunk to the bottom



Simple experiment for kids

Science is everywhere.Just simple things which are available at home can make wonders.

To do this experiment ,you just need three glasses with warm water,cold water and water at room temperature respectively.Then drop of food colouring of your choice.

Place the three glasses on tray.Ask the child to put drop of food colouring in each glass.You can name  each glass as warm water,cold water if you wish.

Ask the child to observe the reaction of water in each glass when drop of food colouring is added.

My child’s observation:

Food colour spreaded  very fast in hot water ,it was quick in normal water(he meant water at room temperature) but not as fast as warm water  and it was very slow in cold water.


The Rising water experiment

This turned out to be one of my son’s favourite experiment and has done this several times.I got this idea from pinterest

Things you’ll need







Step 1: Take a plate and fill it with water till it covers bottom.I added drop of food colour to the water.Bend the match stick slightly and place coin over it .

Step 2:Light the matchstick and immediately cover it with glass.

Step 3:You can witness the water rising up in the glass.

Happy learning:)


Wet Chalk art

This is super simple and colourful art.You just need plain sheet of paper,handful of colourful chalks,paper tapes,water.

Ask the child to stick the paper tapes anywhere in the paper.Wet the colourful chalks one by one and ask the child to scribble it on paper.

Once done,remove the paper tape,colourful wet Chalk art is ready.
