Animal Forensic

I love and crazily read and watch anything related to thriller,crime stories.This pretend play was initiated by me today with my child.I have just introduced him to the process of investigation which are done in general.Fortunately he loved the idea of the play when I shared with him and we talked a lot to understand in better way.My child loved to play this game as it sounded interesting to him


Forest Officer finds skull of few animals in the jungle and they start investigating about it.They call forensic team to help them in their investigation.

How we played the game

We were assumed as forensic officer and specialist in investigating wild life crimes.Our role was to identify the suspect,cause of death of animal,identify and compare the physical evidence so that we can find the suspect.

We created our forensic lab using things available at home

1.Sheet of paper

2.Magnifying glass

3 Stamp pad

4.Blood(kumkum mixed with water)

5.Jungle picture

6.Microscope(Kaliedascope was used )

The officer examined the foot prints in the jungle,took photo of foot prints,took sample of hair,skin of the suspect found near victim.These samples were taken to forensic lab.

Animals were enquired and made a list of few suspects.Blood sample test was done using icecube trays and magnifying glass.Microscope was used to examine hair and skin of animals.All the animals foot print were taken using stamped and matched with evidence.

CCTV footage was found in jungle .We got sheet of animal paper in shirt box and was used as CCTV footage.Finally forensic report was prepared and handed over to investigating officer.It was a very long play with so much of imaginations but a new & interesting learning experience.

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