Animals Xray

Wherever I go,I will be always accompanied by my little hero as I have no other choice.Since I m not well,we went to hospital,the curious mind saw other patient holding X-ray and was eager to know about X ray.Thats the reason behind today’s activity.

I explained him that  x-ray is a special photograph using  an x-ray machine taken by radiologist.  The photograph can be used to treat and examine the internal organs in the body if a person or animals are injured.I gave him.lots of examples to make him clear about X-ray.

1.Pretend play 

My child’s all time favorite is Pretend play.He observes lots of things happening around us.He was assumed as Radiologist and I was assistant to him.

a.Diy X Ray machine

We needed X-ray machine for our play,so we took box which was transparent and was approximate match.We covered it with plain sheet of paper.Our diy X-ray machine is ready.

b.Display Screen for X-ray

Next we needed display screen,so we used a cardboard which we get from shirt box,chalk board sheet.

I noted down list of animals as per my son’s choice and I took images accordingly from internet and then we sticked it using cello tape to chalkboard sheet as we have to use it for other purpose.

My child being radiologist checked all the animals.He questioned them about health history.

Animals narrated how they got hurt.For example,lion complained that it is not able to wag tail.Monkey said that it fell down from tree while swinging from tree to tree.Similarly,we did X-ray for 20 animals.

2.Matching X-ray with animals.

I gave him another sheet of X-ray of animals.He had to match the animal according to their X-ray.

Overall,it was fun learning and child enjoyed it very much.

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