Our Learning about Dogs

My son is fond of dogs.He wish to have pet dog but we are waiting for appropriate time due to several reasons.Today,we learnt few things about dogs.

We started our learning with diy bones and diy kennel.

1.Diy bones

I drew bone shape in chart paper and asked my child to cut with scissor,it turned very well for our play.

2.Diy kennel

We took our first cry card boxes.I just cut in middle to get a shape.I just asked the child to stick cello tape as it is good exercise for little fingers.Our diy kennel is ready.

3.Lifecycle of dog.

I explained him in detail all the four stages of dog using our toy dogs.

First stage:Baby dogs :They depend fully on mummy dog.They cannot hear and see for few weeks.

Second stage:Puppy: They drink milk from mummy dog.

Third stage: Young dog : They continue to grow and become independent.

Fourth stage : Adult dog: When they turn 2 years,they become adult dogs.

4.Where is the dog?

We played a game using prepositions.It was done just to build vocabulary of the child.I would ask the child where is the dog.The child had to tell dog is in the kennel.Similarly it was used for on,Infront of,behind,In,Between,above,behind,near

5.Feed the dog.

We again took another cardboard box and I made a hole for mouth and asked the child to feed the dogs with bones and biscuit.

6.Doggie,Doggie ,where is your bone

We played another game which was gross motor task.I hided the bone all around the house.The child pretended as dog.I asked the child Doggie,Doggie ,where is your bone.The child need to search it and tell me where did he find it.For  example: The bone is above the fridge.

7.Pretend play of Dog.

Myself and child were assumed as dogs.We were in crawling position and crawled all over the house.

Then we learnt how does dog eat ,drink and smell.Then we pretended to help police in searching robber who was hiding in a building.

8.Dog paper bag puppet

We used white paper bag which was given as gift.Then did few sketches and pasted ears and legs so that it appears as dog.

9.Sorting and Counting

Whatever dogs were at home were sorted according to sizes and counted too.

10.Dog Breeds

I introduced different breeds of dog.Only those which I was able to recall.I didnot go much in detail.

11.Facts about dog.

I talked a lot about dogs.I have noted down few points to share with you.

12.How we need to care for the dog.

I talked in very detail about dogs.how we have to care and treat them.Gave lots of practical examples.Highlighted about feeding,bathing,brushing,cleaning the dog,Good and bad behaviour,Role model appropriate behavior.Shared real life incidents.I also narrated about our pet Robin,who is no more with us now.

Finally he concluded with a difference between needy dog and family dog.According to him,dogs who are in street ,struggling a lot are needy dog,they don’t have anyone to take care of them.He is going to help needy dogs when he becomes big boy.Family dogs are those who go in car,uncle and aunty take for walk,always they are taken care as family member.

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