Our Currency

My son is very well aware of our currency as he does regularly shopping with me.Since he turned 3 years,I started giving him wallet with very limited money ,debit card and hand over to him at billing counter so that he can experience it.Likewise he learnt about rupees and coins over period of time.

So today we played game that I m a shop keeper and somebody pays me with fake notes along real notes.I am new to the shop business and am not aware about anything.I call up police who is my son to help me.

I have mixed real notes and fake notes.My son who is a police has to explain me how to find out between real and fake notes.

How he differentiated notes.

1.He divided two sections by drawing with a chalk ,one for real and other for fake.

2.He observed that there is no Reserve Bank of India,National emblem is missing,Bank name is not real,there is a joker picture in the note,red numbers are not there,mahatma Gandhi is not there.By pointing out difference in each note,he segregated accordingly.

2.Then I asked him to separate 10 Rs,20 Rs,50 Rs ,100 Rs and 500 Rs note and count and write in paper how many notes are there under 10,20,50,100 and 500.

This was one of our activity for Republic day to know about our Indian currency.

Little hero’s construction Site

First half of the day ,we spent in travelling due to personal work,we happened to see construction work.Guess,what my little hero would have thought?

Most of you would guess correctly,its setting up his own construction site.He loves pretend play very much.To make it interesting,I participated with him too in his construction site set up.

We noted down our list that what materials we need for constructing the building.My son was engineer and I acted as supervisor.His Ben 10 toy was labour.

Diy Brick

We started with our diy brick.All you need is wheat dough,food colour,icecube tray.We kneaded wheat dough by adding food colour and water .Filled it in icecube tray and kept it in freezer at high chilling level.

Meanwhile,we continued with our set up of site and after sometime our diy brick is ready


We used our clay which we brought during Ganesha festival as cement


We used few real stones which we collected during our walk and then dry clay which was left while preparing our national flag using clay.


The sand was kinetic sand which holds good in lot of our activities.

First aid box

For medical emergency in construction site,we used our first aid box which we did during our accident activity.


This is made of cardboard during our pongal festival activity and we had used it for set up of Village


The toy vehicles relating to construction was used.

Isn’t it sounds simple and interesting,he loved playing it for long time.He did his own building plan and was discussing  with me as I m the supervisor.I missed to take photo  of our building plan as we were much involved in game , Unfortunately ,later hubby throwed it in dustbin thinking it as waste paper:(

But we enjoyed playing it very much

Air Show for Republic day

Today we talked about republic day and while talking,I mentioned him about airshow ,significance of tricolour flag and many things.

So,we decided to do art of air Show.All you need is canvas board or any sheet of paper,water colours,paint brushes.

We used canvas board and I guided him with simple instructions so that he can do it accordingly.

He used different brushes for each colour.The instruction was very  simple.I told him for each colour,he has to draw lines 3 times which should be slightly curved.Then need to paint aeroplane on the top by making small standing line and slanting light to the left and right.

Then he wanted to write Jai Hind ,India and his name on the art.

Our art of airshow for Republic day is ready.

DIY Petrol Bunk

Today our surf excel powder got over and we utilised the box for doing petrol bunk.

Things needed

Cardboard box


Plain sheet of water (2 to 3 sheets)

Water colour (optional)

Sketch pen

Icecream stick 

2 Straws


I asked my son to cover the cardboard box with plain paper using glue.Then I made hole in the top and two hole in left and right side of box.

I spelled out the words and he wrote.It was his idea to mention HP and sign in the cardboard.

He sticked the gas station paper on icecream stick and inserted it in hole on the top.

Similarly inserted straws on both the sides.He wanted to use black water colour in the petrol bunk otherwise it is optional.

Our Diy Petrol bunk is ready and he spent good amount of time in pretend play with diy petrol bunk.

Road map

We played a game using road map by assuming we are travelling to various areas in Pune and places which we may come across for the road trip from Pune to Chennai.I just took printout of the route map from internet.

This was done to introduce the concept of using road map or route map to the child.

In Pune map,I asked him to locate the familiar areas to him in Pune.

Similarly in the map from Pune to Chennai route,I told him about Davangere which is my birth place and about Bangalore where I studied.

He really loved to hear my childhood stories with so much of interest and laughing out loud when I shared my certain child hood experiences.

#vehiclethemedactivity #roadmap

Boat Race with bottle cap boats

We played a simple game using bottle caps.We have named it as Boat race with bottle cap boats.

I gave two bottle caps of water bottle and asked him to fill little clay in each cap.Then gave him two flags and asked him to insert it in clay.

We had handy vessel and filled it with water and all set ready for boat Race with two countries.

#republicdayactivity #bottlecaps

Our National Flag

Today,my little one did our national flag.All these years ,we have done national flag by coloured rice,colour paper,painting and soon.

My child prefers to try something new ,so thought to make him to do national flag using clay.

We had few packets of clay which was brought for making Ganesha during Ganesha festival.I provided the material to him and kept a model of our flag so that it would be helpful for him.

I was like assistant to him during the entire process like bringing water,scratching his hand and soon.I didnot interfere in the process unless he asked for help.According me Imperfection is perfection.A child should come up by his own and do it in his style.I never bother about outcome whatever matter it may be.

He poured entire one kg of packet and one small jug of water and was struggling to knead it and then he added some more clay,at that stage he asked my help to knead it to form a consistency.

I was just observing the steps he did.He created basement and then he tried to make a stick but couldn’t,so he asked me to bring his pencil.I was wondering what he will do with pencil.Then he fixed the pencil in the basement and covered it with clay nicely.

Then he tried to form a rectangular shape,he succeeded but he could not attach it to pencil.So he asked me to bring his rectangle shape knob puzzle.

Again he fixed the shape by adding some more clay and then covered entire thing with remaining clay.

He just gave time to dry till he washed his hands,he started with painting with different brushes.Only normal Water colours are used.

The entire evening was spent in doing national flag.On certain days,he surprises me with his involvement and patience.There are days where I try to maintain my patience.

Decathlon sports ,Pune

We have visited several sports stores in Pune but I would say Decathlon is one of the best.I was thinking to visit this place from very long time but I was keep on postponing due to distance.

But when I saw the post of Aarthi Balasundaram about Decathlon Neelambur,I decided that I need to visit this without postponing further.

My decision turned out to be correct.Its worth travelling.Decathlon in Pune is located in wagholi area.It is a one stop store,everything relating to sports can be brought under one roof.

Morever kids are allowed to go for trial rides on cycle, skating,kids Scooty and many more.Kids will love jumping on trampolines.

They do have online service but home delivery is done on extra charge depending on the weight of equipment.T hey are open all 365 days from 8 am to 9pm.

The service is really very good and they answer all your queries with lots of patience.This is one of the best place to visit with the kid who is sports lover.

Cool Mom Ideas 2017

Idea No 4:Potty training

Potty training is the one which turned out to be very easy to me.

a.Free from diapers

I never used diapers when we were at home since his birth.I used diapers only while going outside before he turned one year and that too very short time.

2.Facial expression.

After my son’s first birthday,I noticed a peculiar facial expressions,after that expression he immediately used to pee wherever he was standing.

Facial expression made me to understand that he wanted to pee or poo.

3.Taking him to toilet

I cannot be with him always,so I tend to miss to notice facial expressions,so I started to take him to toilet frequently with a gap as I calculated time approximately.

4.Teached choo choo and ka ka

While taking him to toilet,when he pee,I used to tell him that he is doing choo choo now .Over the period of time ,he learnt to tell choo for pee ,ka ka for poo.

5.Pretend play

We played potty training game using teddy and other toys.This helped to convey in better manner.

6.Talking with the child

I utilised every opportunity to talk with the child while he takes bath,when he pees and poo,so before he turned 2 years,he was potty trained.

Along with it,I teached him to flush the toilet with water.

Each kid is different,as a parent we need to observe the cues and follow the child.There are days when my child was playing with his own pee but everything changed over a period of time.

Two P’s which helped in potty training are Practice and Patience.


Little Scientist

I was munching yummy snacks and watching a movie after a long time.I was wondering my little hero was very busy in doing something from quite long time as I was not interrupted when I was watching movie.

He normally gets lots of questions when I m in restroom and when I watch movie.I can’t avoid restroom so I avoided watching movies๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜.

I started to calling him by his name,nicknames,singing a song in his name,finally I heard a voice saying,I am very busy.Donot disturb me while I m at work.

I was very curious and this time I switched off the TV and went to peep what busy boy was doing.

Then I asked him ,sir,may I know what are you doing with  water and other things.

He looked at me with a smiling face and said “I am doing experiment “.

I said,Wow Lkg boy โ˜บโ˜บHe said I m not LKG boy now,”I am a scientist”.

He had taken stainless steel tumbler,button ,stones which he collected in park.

When I asked him to explain his experiment,he said button when is put inside the water sinks immediately and looks like big button after going inside the water.Colour of the water keeps on changing as I dip my hand again and again๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰