Our Indian Army

I am feeling very proud of my little boy today for two reasons,you will know why at the end of my post.

We go to park regularly and tend to meet different types of people.There are two person who is always curious to find my caste.I don’t prefer to disclose it to anyone.From my school days to till date,I have never asked any of my friend’s caste or religion or anything.According to me all are my friends.

Those person didnot stop but went to my son and asked his name ,he said my name is Haren.They asked him are you ##### ?,my son said No,I m an INDIAN.

This was the first reason which made me proud.

While walking towards home,we happened to see our army personnel and utilised the opportunity to talk about our Indian army.

I told him about our importance of Indian army.How much sacrifice they do for us and protect our country.They stay away from daddy mummy and children.They donot celebrate any festivals or birthday.

If we are sleeping everyday peacefully is because of those brave soldiers.

My little hero said to me Amma ,after I become big boy ,I want to join Indian Army.This was the second reason,why I really feel very proud of my child.

As parents,we have completely left the choice to our child to decide whatever he want to become.We will surely guide him accordingly based on his decision.

We will be really very proud and happy if he choose our Indian army in future.

Then he asked me to help him to tie rope ,so that he would save our country and did pretend play with his tank and armoured vehicles.His pretend play of our Indian army was done with whatever available at home.


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