Our learning about peacock

My son has seen peacock only in katraj zoo, books and photos.We started our talk about birds,where do they live,what they eat.Then came to talk about our national bird peacock.

We learnt about peacock family which is called as peafowl,daddy is peacock,mummy is peahen ,baby is called peachicks.We used two peacock hangings for daddy and mummy ,peacock figurine for baby.

I started noting down in sheet of paper what we discussed about peacock.Peacocks lives in forests and my son added katraj zoo.What does peacock eat and in which countries we can find peacocks and soon.

Later after discussing,I asked him to do peacock of his own whatever comes to his mind.I did not mention anything and went to prepare my coffee.

When I was about to sip my coffee,he came to me by saying his peacock is ready.I really wish to drink my coffee hot.

He has used peacock feathers,googly eyes,has done sketch of body .He said he took two feathers from Pooja room(I had brought it during Krishna Janmashtami festival) he drew face of peacock and coloured it ,sticked googly eyes and his peacock is ready.

This is one of our activity for Republic day.

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