Building our own road

Since first half of the day was spent outside,we passed different types of road.He was curious to know why some roads are neat,others have hole in road ,few places donot have road.With lots of questions in his mind,I thought I would engage him in doing his own road.

But doing it today evening was totally unexpected as the idea flashed during our pretend play of Construction site.

Scene in our play

The engineer was discussing with officer that there is no proper road in wagholi area,so we need to construct a road.Then plan was given to officer and he agreed to construct the road.The engineer took measurement of the road using measurement tape and noted down

To make it simple we used clay as cement,dry clay as crushed rocks,slime mixed with black water colour as road tar.I had only pink slime ,so I mixed black water colour to give sticky tar effect.

It turned out to be good sensory exposure to the child.

We constructed our road in wagholi area.

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