This thread would be posted every sunday to share the magic /tricks which worked with my child.For example,setting up routine,sleep routine,eating habits,brushing and others.I will be also sharing the ideas of reusing the same toy in many ways.Everything will be purely based on my personal experience.Hope it will be helpful to many parents.


Wish you happy new year 2017.On this new year day, let me share the magic which worked for me to make my son eat fruits.

Few kids refuse to eat fruits; one among those kids was my son. When he was a toddler, he used to refuse to eat any kind of fruit. To be honest, even I don’t like to eat fruits; I started to eat fruits only due to pressure of my Big Boss (husband) when I was pregnant. It’s tough to make my child eat fruits when myself was not doing that. So, I started to develop the habit of eating fruits as I did not prefer  to set wrong example to my child.

Few tricks which worked with my child:

When I offer the fruit to my son, he clearly objects by saying that I don’t want to eat.so following things really created a magic.

1. I used to act like a monkey and eat bananas in monkey style by jumping from one place to other place. Then I used to ask him to feed me banana. Similarly, he would say that he wanted to act like monkey and it was my turn to feed him banana.

2. I stopped offering him fruits, instead I used to cut and put fruits in my bowl exactly at the time when he will be hungry .I used to comment by saying it is yummy strawberry and make very good expressions to appeal it to be very tasty. Within few minutes, he used to grab one or two pieces from my bowl.

It is general human tendency; food on other plates would look yummy and appealing than the food on our plates. Some of us would be able to recall, how our friends lunch box would be tastier than our lunch box, we finish completely our friend’s lunch box.

3. I used to cut the fruits in small pieces and form the name of my son in the plate. Fruits will be arranged in such shape where the child could see their name.I used to say to my child that I am going to eat the first letter “H” and next turn would be the child’s turn to eat.I have done several shapes like circle, heart or any shape which comes to my mind.

4. My son loves pretend play very much. So I utilized this opportunity to make him eat the fruits while he used to play the role of chef, customer in the hotel, eating snacks in the playgroup, serving food for the guests, fruit seller and soon.

5. I used to involve him while I cut fruits. I always give him task of washing the fruits, arranging fruits in the fridge, buying fruits from the shop. I utilized these opportunities to talk about the importance of fruits. 

The most important required in the entire process was lots of patience and to carry a smile always. Even today, my son do skip eating fruits on certain days but I make sure that those days are minimal. Disliking towards certain fruits are natural but I make sure that fruits are included in his diet. Its always prefer to give whole fruit as it is very good for health.


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