Parvati hills

About Parvati

​Today we visited Parvati temple /Parvati hill which is located in Pune.Parvati offers an aerial view of the Pune.It reminds of Peshwa dynasty and one of the oldest heritage structure in Pune.

It has wide and steep steps .The steps are stone work of the Marata period.Guess,it may be roughly around 100 steps or more to reach the temple on the hill top.My son enjoyed climbing up and down and he loved it to the core.

The height of Parvati hill is 2100 feet above sea level and 260 feet from the city level.The hill top view was very beautiful.My son loved to see the sunset from the hill top.


There are few temples on the hill top

a.Devdevshara temple

b.Vishnu temple

c.Karthikeya temple

d.Vittal temple

e.Ganesha temple

There is a nandhi statue in front of main temple.We can also visit the terrace by paying Rs 5 per head at our own risk.My son was so excited to watch entire Pune from great height.He was trying to find out whether he could see our house from the hill top.

There is open and calm garden where full silence was maintained.He tried doing echo wherever possible but echo was not to his satisfaction.

Peshwa Museum

It is open from 7.30 am to 8 pm.Photography was strictly prohibited.It contains all items relating to Peshwa era.Photos,paintings,different types of coins, swords, clothes, manuscripts,vessels and many other things which were used during Peshwa period.

Entry fee for museum is Rs 15 per person.My son was not charged.

The visit to Parvati hill helps child in following ways 

Improves Gross motor development in child

Balance and coordination skills since steps are quite steep

Knowing about our history and could visualise how they lived during that period,their life style, currency,attires and many other things.

The hilltop view was thrilling experience,climbing up and down steep steps ,narrow steps to go to terrace to experience scenic view.

Overall very good physical exercise and new experience.It was pleasant evening at Parvati hills.

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