Little hands on cooking

When I was kid,I don’t remember helping my mom in kitchen for any work.Even if I go,my mom used to tell me to play.  She used to work so hard in the kitchen everyday from morning till night since most of the life was in joint family.I realised her pain and difficulty only when I lost her.

But after I became Mother,I involved my child in all my chores as I had no other choice.He loved it too and it turned to be positive point for me.

He came forward by showing lots of interest while I do cooking since he was a one year old boy.He loves to cook with me and always willing to give a helping hand in cooking.

Let me share,how I involve my child in cooking.Everyday,he will spend time in cooking with me either in morning or evening.

Out style of cooking

1.We go to grocery shop over weekend and buy wheat.I allow him to touch the wheat and feel the texture of the grains.

2.Then we visit our flour mill to turn the grains in to wheat flour.

3.Over the period of time,he has learnt that for making the chapati dough,we need wheat flour,salt and water.

4.He put his hands in kneading the dough with my help.I make sure that I get the required consistency for dough.

5.Then after settling time,he rolls and makes round shape balls with his little hands.

6.Then he pats it in roller board and rolls the dough with roller pin in the same way how we prepare.

7.Finally,he cooks it in tava strictly under my supervision as I never allow him alone near gasstove while cooking.

Delicious little chapatis done by little hero are served on the plate.

Not only for chapati,he is involved in similar way for preparing other dishes in our everyday life.I always give him age appropriate task from very beginning about which I will share in detail in other posts.

This has made him to get familiarised with all spices available in our kitchen and knows the sequence of preparing a dish.Cooking is one of the best way to develop sensory skills in a child where all the senses of the body gets integrated.

Cooking is his one of the most loved activity by him till date and always shows lots of enthusiasm to learn cooking.

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