Cool Mom ideas💡💡

As a quote says,every end has a new beginning.From this new year 2017,I am planning to share a post about Cool Mom ideas.

I have many plans to share with you all from this year 2017.I started this blog to have memorable memories with my child when I look back after few years and to inspire parents with my experiences &learning with child.Within a short span of time,I m glad that I could inspire and motivate few parents.

This has boosted me to think further and to do many things which could be helpful to parents and little champs at larger extent.

As a next step,I am planning to share the ideas which I get to reuse the toys which remains unused and use it many ways.

The ideas which worked to make the food appealing to fussy eaters,handling tantrums ,setting up routine and many ideas which worked for me as mom with my child.I will be sharing only those ideas which worked like a magic for mom with her child.I am not expert but these ideas will be out of my personal experiences as mother.

I will be posting these cool mom ideas every Sunday in my Facebook page Reborn for my little hero starting from January 1,2017.

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