My little hero’s Christmas 2016

Few weeks back,i had shared with you about the letter to Santa.Infact,he received a reply letter from Santa too๐Ÿ˜‰.For the first time,I was his Secret Santa๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

He had asked for Mickey mouse toy as his gift for Christmas from Santa Claus

His secret Santa brought Mickey mouse toy gift and wrapped it beautifully and kept it in front of him so that he could see it when he wakes up in the morning.I couldn’t take the picture as I did it in midnight as he is with me whole day.

Today morning,when he woke up,my son was jumping in the bed with joy as he had received gift from Santa.

Then next surprise was our book titled The baby Jesus.I had converted his story narration of nativity in a book form as he is book lover.He was very much surprised to see the book.

Then we did some activity which I will share with you in separate post.

He has developed a good bonding from our balcony to another building where elderly people stay,he calls them as grandpa and grandma.They invited us to their house as they like my son very much.

He wanted to purchase a cake gift for them from cake shop.He chose the cake for them.He was so happy to be with them.He loved the company with grandparents.In a short time,he has developed so much of love and bonding with them.He spent his evening with grandparents by feeding birds,playing and talking with them.Munched yummy snacks.

Then we explored our city to see beautiful nativity scene ,snowman and Xmas tree.

Overall a day well spent by little hero on this Christmas and it was awesome day.

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