This thread would be posted every sunday to share the magic /tricks which worked with my child.For example,setting up routine,sleep routine,eating habits,brushing and others.I will be also sharing the ideas of reusing the same toy in many ways.Everything will be purely based on my personal experience.Hope it will be helpful to many parents.


Wish you happy new year 2017.On this new year day, let me share the magic which worked for me to make my son eat fruits.

Few kids refuse to eat fruits; one among those kids was my son. When he was a toddler, he used to refuse to eat any kind of fruit. To be honest, even I don’t like to eat fruits; I started to eat fruits only due to pressure of my Big Boss (husband) when I was pregnant. It’s tough to make my child eat fruits when myself was not doing that. So, I started to develop the habit of eating fruits as I did not prefer  to set wrong example to my child.

Few tricks which worked with my child:

When I offer the fruit to my son, he clearly objects by saying that I don’t want to eat.so following things really created a magic.

1. I used to act like a monkey and eat bananas in monkey style by jumping from one place to other place. Then I used to ask him to feed me banana. Similarly, he would say that he wanted to act like monkey and it was my turn to feed him banana.

2. I stopped offering him fruits, instead I used to cut and put fruits in my bowl exactly at the time when he will be hungry .I used to comment by saying it is yummy strawberry and make very good expressions to appeal it to be very tasty. Within few minutes, he used to grab one or two pieces from my bowl.

It is general human tendency; food on other plates would look yummy and appealing than the food on our plates. Some of us would be able to recall, how our friends lunch box would be tastier than our lunch box, we finish completely our friend’s lunch box.

3. I used to cut the fruits in small pieces and form the name of my son in the plate. Fruits will be arranged in such shape where the child could see their name.I used to say to my child that I am going to eat the first letter “H” and next turn would be the child’s turn to eat.I have done several shapes like circle, heart or any shape which comes to my mind.

4. My son loves pretend play very much. So I utilized this opportunity to make him eat the fruits while he used to play the role of chef, customer in the hotel, eating snacks in the playgroup, serving food for the guests, fruit seller and soon.

5. I used to involve him while I cut fruits. I always give him task of washing the fruits, arranging fruits in the fridge, buying fruits from the shop. I utilized these opportunities to talk about the importance of fruits. 

The most important required in the entire process was lots of patience and to carry a smile always. Even today, my son do skip eating fruits on certain days but I make sure that those days are minimal. Disliking towards certain fruits are natural but I make sure that fruits are included in his diet. Its always prefer to give whole fruit as it is very good for health.



A Journey of Thousand Miles begins with a single step. Our First step started this December 6,2016 by creating memorable memories between mom and child through this facebook page and blog “REBORN FOR MY LITTLE HERO” and to inspire many parents with our simple and child led activities. 

Thank you each and everyone of you for supporting my intention and am motivated to help other parents to large extent in coming days.

Each day is blank page in our life where we can try to fill the day with beautiful moments in the best way. I am here to share with you about my activity plan with my child for the month of January 2017


This topic was decided as per the child’s choice. I always leave the decision to my son to decide which topic that he would be interested to learn the particular month. In over period of time, he started deciding what he would like to learn. Based on the topic, I plan accordingly according to his interest. If he is not able to decide,I give him choices so that it helps him in deciding. But this month, without even a second thought, he told me that he wanted to learn about vehicles. He has already shared his list of questions in detail.


Apart from the vehicle themed activities, we will be doing other simple and child led activities which focuses on areas of fine motor, lifeskill, gross motor, language, music, art, sensory, outdoor visit and many other areas which will help in overall development of the child. This will be focused throughout the year.


FESTIVAL :The month of January, we will be celebrating Pongal festival. We will be learning about the festival through fun learning and other activities 

REPUBLIC DAY: We are planning to do few activities on our special day.


This is special thread which will be posted every Sunday especially for all the parents. I am not expert but I would like to share the magic which worked for me with my son. For example Setting up routine, handling tantrums, sleeping routine and many more.

I always reuse the same toy in many ways and I will be sharing those ideas with you too. All these ideas will be purely out of personal experiences which worked for us. What worked for one child may not work for other child.

Medical advise or anything related to medicines will be strictly not provided in this page since always doctors are the best to consult anytime in this matter.


I am planning to  start few new things for my child from this new year for the first time.


Recently, my son is showing lots of interest in photography. He is using dad’s old camera and clicking several photos. To develop his interest, I am planning to create separate album for every month for his photography. I know,he will surely love it.This will continue so far his photography interest continues.


I am going to create hand made book for this year 2017 .I will click the photos of happiest moment in 2017 and going to ask the child to paste it in the book.It can be anything which brought smile in my child’s face.I will write in brief about that moment.At the end of 2017,we will be in love with our book.It will act as good motivator at our bad times to move forward.


Since my child loved his story narration in book form,I am going to continue doing it for him every month based on the time availability.


This idea is inspired from my very good and sweet friend Bindu Bhavani.I got motivated from her to create handmade activity book. I am planning to work on this activity book every month for my child. My special thanks to my wonderful friend for inspiring me.


Since my son is a book lover and he is showing lots of interest in self reading. I am planning to work on this reading skill to help him further.

This is our activity plan for the  January 2017. I will change /modify it accordingly based on the child’s interest if required. There will be mood out days, frustrated days, sick days,lazy days, sleepy days. I wish those days  to be very limited. This year 2017,hoping to inspire and motivate many parents and little champs.

“A NEW YEAR,A NEW START,LONG WAY TO GO” but let’s do our best and make everyday beautiful as these days spent with the child will never come back again.


Parvati hills

About Parvati

​Today we visited Parvati temple /Parvati hill which is located in Pune.Parvati offers an aerial view of the Pune.It reminds of Peshwa dynasty and one of the oldest heritage structure in Pune.

It has wide and steep steps .The steps are stone work of the Marata period.Guess,it may be roughly around 100 steps or more to reach the temple on the hill top.My son enjoyed climbing up and down and he loved it to the core.

The height of Parvati hill is 2100 feet above sea level and 260 feet from the city level.The hill top view was very beautiful.My son loved to see the sunset from the hill top.


There are few temples on the hill top

a.Devdevshara temple

b.Vishnu temple

c.Karthikeya temple

d.Vittal temple

e.Ganesha temple

There is a nandhi statue in front of main temple.We can also visit the terrace by paying Rs 5 per head at our own risk.My son was so excited to watch entire Pune from great height.He was trying to find out whether he could see our house from the hill top.

There is open and calm garden where full silence was maintained.He tried doing echo wherever possible but echo was not to his satisfaction.

Peshwa Museum

It is open from 7.30 am to 8 pm.Photography was strictly prohibited.It contains all items relating to Peshwa era.Photos,paintings,different types of coins, swords, clothes, manuscripts,vessels and many other things which were used during Peshwa period.

Entry fee for museum is Rs 15 per person.My son was not charged.

The visit to Parvati hill helps child in following ways 

Improves Gross motor development in child

Balance and coordination skills since steps are quite steep

Knowing about our history and could visualise how they lived during that period,their life style, currency,attires and many other things.

The hilltop view was thrilling experience,climbing up and down steep steps ,narrow steps to go to terrace to experience scenic view.

Overall very good physical exercise and new experience.It was pleasant evening at Parvati hills.

Little hands on cooking

When I was kid,I don’t remember helping my mom in kitchen for any work.Even if I go,my mom used to tell me to play.  She used to work so hard in the kitchen everyday from morning till night since most of the life was in joint family.I realised her pain and difficulty only when I lost her.

But after I became Mother,I involved my child in all my chores as I had no other choice.He loved it too and it turned to be positive point for me.

He came forward by showing lots of interest while I do cooking since he was a one year old boy.He loves to cook with me and always willing to give a helping hand in cooking.

Let me share,how I involve my child in cooking.Everyday,he will spend time in cooking with me either in morning or evening.

Out style of cooking

1.We go to grocery shop over weekend and buy wheat.I allow him to touch the wheat and feel the texture of the grains.

2.Then we visit our flour mill to turn the grains in to wheat flour.

3.Over the period of time,he has learnt that for making the chapati dough,we need wheat flour,salt and water.

4.He put his hands in kneading the dough with my help.I make sure that I get the required consistency for dough.

5.Then after settling time,he rolls and makes round shape balls with his little hands.

6.Then he pats it in roller board and rolls the dough with roller pin in the same way how we prepare.

7.Finally,he cooks it in tava strictly under my supervision as I never allow him alone near gasstove while cooking.

Delicious little chapatis done by little hero are served on the plate.

Not only for chapati,he is involved in similar way for preparing other dishes in our everyday life.I always give him age appropriate task from very beginning about which I will share in detail in other posts.

This has made him to get familiarised with all spices available in our kitchen and knows the sequence of preparing a dish.Cooking is one of the best way to develop sensory skills in a child where all the senses of the body gets integrated.

Cooking is his one of the most loved activity by him till date and always shows lots of enthusiasm to learn cooking.

Cool Mom ideas💡💡

As a quote says,every end has a new beginning.From this new year 2017,I am planning to share a post about Cool Mom ideas.

I have many plans to share with you all from this year 2017.I started this blog to have memorable memories with my child when I look back after few years and to inspire parents with my experiences &learning with child.Within a short span of time,I m glad that I could inspire and motivate few parents.

This has boosted me to think further and to do many things which could be helpful to parents and little champs at larger extent.

As a next step,I am planning to share the ideas which I get to reuse the toys which remains unused and use it many ways.

The ideas which worked to make the food appealing to fussy eaters,handling tantrums ,setting up routine and many ideas which worked for me as mom with my child.I will be sharing only those ideas which worked like a magic for mom with her child.I am not expert but these ideas will be out of my personal experiences as mother.

I will be posting these cool mom ideas every Sunday in my Facebook page Reborn for my little hero starting from January 1,2017.

​Little hero’s Christmas activities 2016

This month,we did several activities relating to Christmas.Our first advent calendar with random act of kindness was super hit as not only my son and even his friends visited our home and eagerly did act of kindness everyday.

In this Christmas ,the child learnt about the nativity story,helping needy people with whatever possible from our end,sharing with others ,gained new experiences ,many other things relating to Christmas and lots of fun while doing activities as the child was involved in each and every work from beginning till end.

Self satisfaction can never equate any other things.All these activities were simple ,child led ,activities were based on all the skills which are very much needed in overall development of the child.

You can watch the video of our Christmas activities 2016,a quick glance in our YouTube channel Reborn for my little hero

Chalk piece Snowflakes

We did a very simple and interesting activity using our chalk pieces.All you need is only white chalk pieces.

I recently shared with you about our snowflakes canvas board art.I gave it as sample to my son so that he could do snowflakes using chalk piece.

It was attempt to try pattern matching in form of Snowflake.

He loved doing it as it was different experience of doing snowflake with chalk piece.

The child has to look at the picture of Snowflake or visualise it and make snow flake in similar pattern using chalk piece.

Here is our outcome of Chalk piece Snowflakes

My little hero’s Christmas 2016

Few weeks back,i had shared with you about the letter to Santa.Infact,he received a reply letter from Santa too😉.For the first time,I was his Secret Santa😀😀

He had asked for Mickey mouse toy as his gift for Christmas from Santa Claus

His secret Santa brought Mickey mouse toy gift and wrapped it beautifully and kept it in front of him so that he could see it when he wakes up in the morning.I couldn’t take the picture as I did it in midnight as he is with me whole day.

Today morning,when he woke up,my son was jumping in the bed with joy as he had received gift from Santa.

Then next surprise was our book titled The baby Jesus.I had converted his story narration of nativity in a book form as he is book lover.He was very much surprised to see the book.

Then we did some activity which I will share with you in separate post.

He has developed a good bonding from our balcony to another building where elderly people stay,he calls them as grandpa and grandma.They invited us to their house as they like my son very much.

He wanted to purchase a cake gift for them from cake shop.He chose the cake for them.He was so happy to be with them.He loved the company with grandparents.In a short time,he has developed so much of love and bonding with them.He spent his evening with grandparents by feeding birds,playing and talking with them.Munched yummy snacks.

Then we explored our city to see beautiful nativity scene ,snowman and Xmas tree.

Overall a day well spent by little hero on this Christmas and it was awesome day.

Story telling to book

My son loves narrating stories.He developed story narration through pretend play.I purchased nativity set from Totlabs as he loves pretend play.

To my surprise,he narrated nativity story using his pretend play set for first time.While playing,i hardly told him once about baby Jesus story.

Since he is a book lover,I thought to convert his story narration in book form so that when he looks back after few years,he will have memorable moments forever.

It’s a special gift from a mother to his son to encourage story telling.I am happy to bring a smile on my child’s face for this Christmas.This is not for sale or business or any commercial purpose.

You can alternatively watch this book video in my YouTube channel Reborn for my little hero in the below mentioned link.